Thank you very much for joining us on war room and m the scent in the hell part three. The Chinese people can front the sea cp.Good morning, all the americans for Steve jacky Jason I was very proud of drawing the war room again. Thank you, sir.Mouth you came out, you get your freedom rough around the spring of 2017. And the very first thing you did was to warm the world in America.
About the Chinese Communist Party walk through, what you told us back in 2017 the you know unfortunately not enough of us listen to work as.What you told his back then. Yes, sir, 2017, you know our first time.Eye in the American voice of America first time interview I want the school is the ccp control.China r. Our company is the hai nan. So I see this is the guy behind the boss of China is empty.
1 aunty is the movement is leader wang qi shan is the control.Come back 1 yes it’s OK sir. That’s OK now I think he is talking about.Ha, which is he nan airlines? It was a really UN regional airline, that became a 1 tree and doll a private company, finance.By the Chinese government and miles quote brought up in the spring of 2017 on voice of America in the live interview. That was actually controlled by senior members of the Chinese party, as an.
Operation on money la under ING operation and wait not just in rich themselves but to do pay off to financial institutions banks I think that.The western world mouth you back with us. So.The mouse has been saying this way said he went to the national press club is a event that was going to put on by the handsome institute. The heart is to was.It was here is my mom’s go ahead and we just lost your continued在so 2000.
15 then because the way they stop the interview by is I think behind the city minority if they want to stop me don’t want with your.发个图,in America is representative ccp Intelligence. And also is the make it now. It’s not for.Black do you know make the ocean in America with love for you now wall street and politics and people, the update VOA. I get it.The hard thing you know studio is want to go to speech. Also last minute is the hard thing is stop me. Don’t want to speech then.
I have the you know in the sea person card, in the first companies, you know I talk to all the world also I want America I have the second dog.Cct have the to program. One is copy dy y the call three eyes. They have the official program we are.The car. Take down America kill America. I see this the blood time is come in with America and west world. Does my say thanks.OK I just want to sunrise this for a audience of miles and by the way I love how much your English is improved, it is much better than my man. R mouth.
OK when he did to things number one he gave a he gave a live interview voice of America, that Amanda Bennett, the head of voice of America the present.Such problems with they pull the plug for the first time in the history. They pull the plug on a live interview. On the reason is they pulled it is they get.A call from the Chinese MAC. That little whistle that the end of the Chinese and best of the United States the guy is corrupt up to the balls OK.TV all the time he is in all the time, this guy is totally completely group. He called over then said u got to pull the plug in the sky. Y. My school was it.
They say ha, which is the mass of financial, company is buying a company is all over America right by cup is all over Europe its an influence on money.The operation control by the Chinese comic party in the Intelligence. And they pulled it and by the way, in business with golden sand bank of America.All the American financial companies are sitting there lived in the money, doing under writing form. And this is the girl of my school is a liar, my girls are there.The hundred percent 900 and they drop that he should and they drop that all the law suits. They ran for the hills. Ha is now in received a ship in bank.
In China, because it was Complete this game. And miles go brought up the fact that in New York city they were to not for profit is that control. They call him.R to his face, voice of America paid for by the tax payers of the United States of America to the Chinese MAC.To pull the plug on a live interview of the end of a decision. That is the of Chinese Communist Party and was sitting there call him out Amanda Bennett should be fired today.爱。She is a running dog for the Chinese Communist Party OK, she is a color ate. At the time there is no.
Is that the Chinese em base should be able to call any institution in the United States government and force it to stop the voice of a distant. It’s UN acceptable.She is corrupt, he is married in to the to the family, the grand family on the Washington post they have big business deals in China is totally corrupt, her husband’s corrupt the family is corrupt.It’s UN acceptable. This is the least that have sold out this country. And she is in one the pBS basically a.Foreign service, the voice of America has she is got to go on. This is not my buddy Michael pach being to prove that the next to do it, whoever you approve is better than her she should be fired.
Today, all of our Email should be gotten up all of her phone record should get up all the business records of her husband and capital in the capital of education think what business is.Know what the Chinese, how time they are the confusion institute. This is America why you’re broke while your home or you don’t have a pension fund of a job, you are not watching.Baseball is a football on the floor. The Chinese carrier party has been in power and rich buy the least of the United States of America and Amanda Bennett is exhibit one.And we have a definite of track record of what she did here to suppress the voice of miles group, who called them out is a hundred percent correct.
Now this is it is UN acceptable. What they did then later he gives it later he goes on give the press the written by the institute that the Chinese make.Put so much pressure they shot down the law firm. They do they do a cyber attack. The shut down the law firm website in the hearts and institute website and get.The House on the institute the way well, so he doesn’t do AA conference, and over the the national press club in the nation’s capital of the united.It’s States of America. We allow the Chinese Communist Party through its running dogs to suppress the voice of freedom and this.
That’s why you’re sitting at home with no pay check. This is why you’re sitting at home with no pension fund. This is why we have 52000 americans dead.Hear about the governor’s I don’t hear about the bears are here, but the president of this will fight each other. The enemy is the Chinese Communist Party. In this guy must go.It’s been telling you that since 2017 and all the official apple and washing is trying to do in the corporate world, all the bank is the press, his voice y.He is speaking to the power, miles I take what we’re gonna take a short commercial break if you can hold over we want hold your.
Get some of the other voices to get in here. But now I’m work tup. Because this is so out rage on. In Amanda Bennett in all your we are going to all you people.OK, cause the blood on your hands if we had listened Amanda Bennett. If he had listened to grow in the spring of 2017, we wouldn’t have this problem.You are necessary. You are necessary before the fact. The World Health Organization the voice of America.You are late. You’re not going to get away with this. You’re not going to get away with this. You have supported, u have you have a elevator?
The voices of Evil. And you have surprise the voices of the good OK the new study, his voice of America Bang of the pieces.That everyone in the side talk and non stop non stop the the shift in the American people voice America is not because of you, is not because you all you do is run.And president trump in support. The Chinese come is party k will take a short break. I’ll go have another red ball. I’m not.My school has to see me again OK we are going to take a short commercial break the scent in the hell part three. The Chinese people come from.
The Chinese Communist Party. We look at their hair with we return the miles grow in the moment Steven.The scent in the hell part three the Chinese people can front the Chinese Communist Party, hash tag and ma PRE ated.Community and the audience feed back. The Top of feed back beside sending love to mouth work with the mouth is the horrible. And we’ve been saying that from day one now bye.Which means old hundred names is essentially the horrible of China are just like the problems in the state’s the unity of love Beijing, in the horrible.
That’s going to assist in showing off its the law of Beijing that have to throw out the Chinese Communist Party that’s where here to talk about today. Miles I have one question of something just happened at the time.Up the show that I would like your thoughts on for the American people. It’s been reported in the South China morning post.G 20 meeting yesterday was cancel. Because the United States of America want to put on the agenda, a discussion of the world health.Organizations, relationship with the sea cp. During the beginning of this pan dem and why they reported in me.
January that there was no human human transmission in no community spread of this virus. In China in wu han in Hubei province.Up until mid January. In the Chinese college party cancel it. Can you give the American people why would the Chinese come is part?But not want to have a fall and Frank discussion to have them defend. There are what they’ve done with the World Health Organization.R, the 20 leading Nations of the world. Thank you, sir. U English. Spend the me.
But I’m understand you speak English. I think cancel this.30 three season. One is inside now is xi jin ping is big Challenge wang qi shan得用到g op。Every people want to see you now, so he is very very rich now. So this one reason for second reason the guys will not see see.Begin. They don’t want to they don’t care they just make. So this second reason, three reasons, they don’t want to talk to give your truth.
They don’t care what your opinion. But the all the reason and other side I think so. Now I’m really pencil every day, every second.Last time last week end, how many American people die? Today. It’s the just one week how many American people die. World 15.Dozen. We are American all the world in the world were three. That’s true, but I don’t think so.哦,pp can solve the problem. I don’t think so. The quality can really can solve the problem. Look.
The star is that you know the various Karen o from ccp, but not only virus can kill American kill the world people.Is also the political region. The Rock the lazy green also can kill this the people. So we.Very nice. It’s normal time. The rocks may be just with your time with your money, but it’s normal time.Is the grass and green I will, it can kill the people. Now, every second is hard.
You look now New York, blue sky beautiful Sunday 8, you look every second American people is die.But this is in the quality. Sir, how do you think? We even when you know where cancel the quality. We all go back.Work who can guarantee American the family is the child. Don’t get the transmission. Get in fact.How many people to die. But if we in the quality at this is in fact is me trust me three. Never.
Go down. This is why sir. You are room talk the truth. But you look that all the west world call.The famous media我this is the point to point second I’m so painful.Where is the media? Why so media? Where is Intelligence? We only find the truth, who put the east.是高平and Moscow the poison, release the world is how do you think that somebody to the mask.
Poison step into the bedroom. You people family people die. But you what you do you say and the most.Very fun. You put your family in the bus, is waiting the scandal in the ghost and go wrong no way.You must be quickly find who put the snake Paul and most in my bedroom kill my family. This is why I.All we talk the war rooms do good jobs use the hero, all the Chinese is the hero we need to find out who behind my knowledge.
T really see the poison to America to solve the problems, stop the people to die. Only one solutions.Must tell the American people the two things I want to get that you just mentioned, but I want to go back. I think it’s the 3 s you call it the 3 sc.You’re saying right now we got to get to the bottom of who put this poison in to America. Right. Obviously it’s the sea cp, but talk you mentioned in 2017 this.Concept of the three as the way the sea cp. The Chinese Communist Party use the world and particularly use its model enemy the mall.
Enemy of the Chinese Communist Party. Are the people in the United States of America cause they realized the problems are Free people. And what.They can’t operate. Are Free people please remember in the American audience of the 1.4 day in Chinese they’re only nine te million communist.OK so much. What is this concept of the 3 s? Sir?啊,too early and 32007 r seriously, I think the 2000 eleven 2012.
Accp intelligent guy is the you know it is find me office meeting, tell me my I need your help. We have the program. We need.Investment we need you know from American people are we are creative people in the wu, han.I need you find friends UK people join this, I don’t need money and find some of the things come here. So the 1 I know this.Cp, they have the seriously officially plan the developed by a logical weapon. The only one goes is the take down America.
Like you American. So this the guy now is still in the c PC central committee. The guy called to me talk to me mouth will.We must be have words with America. There is no doubt. We need only prepare how can you cheaper in.没and half a person can kill America. America American he told me the plan. But definitely no, I don’t.This is in the library is people when the sky people live. They find the money from the America.
Technical people think people from America. This is from that you know many engineer many you know professor go back.慢慢的看,do you know that the wu han, you know is the people left. I know that to this yccp yesterday.Last year, it’s the early OK many years ago they have the tiger. Kill the American take the America. You sir you have the two days ago.You with me have the meeting, we found the China professor and about the worries, she and him. Him now in the.
The Europe people talk me miles. I come to the Information to give you about the truth, but I don’t scared.你cp I’m scared of America, because this is the wu han left in the people for the money is from America. The technique.From America the intelligent from America. If I go to America worry American inside people kill me. Does she like me?Sir, this is why ccp is have long long time ago is preparing his biological weapon. Very easy.
This is the current of worries. America very easy. Can not the truth. Very fun. It’s from nature is fun.The trees is from laptop. 100% everybody no doubt from laptop, who make this, who want make this 1.When is the another only one answer is government control. And it’s another the control. This American do need for man.Don’t need the 50 people to die America even seriously think this is the question want to know the truth one day. One.
The professor talk to you told me you not on the phone, make the car and worries. Very easy, very easy.U release. You want to find you can take back. Impossible这是impossible final.You can you know you know please. Because we want one more thing to get into. We get about two minutes is that.You said that the beginning there is a huge fight between she and when she inside the ccp right now, but this hole. This all the back of about.
Are there there by a logical program, the p 4 lab and what’s happened on the virus can you in a minute to have very shortly tell us what’s the fight is going on inside of China Today.你one week ago and in the central committee is put an hour in the website, the right the guy.孙丽娟is the three years ago that guy is the go to see see want to take me back. The guy is very important is China is called.Intelligence in the official behind. This is100%follow me follow王岐山,its big Top xi jin ping啊。
Empty you no problem movement that I raise the million people. This get out now in America intelligent system is this.Get with me while she and wang qi shan and John family all the g the fight. This is that world. This is America.这是为opportunity,这是why。Three years ago I see in the world can big help us take down the sea cp.大本growth ankh you very much very explosive interview won’t get this up on our side and what will do it with sub title, make sure everybody can we hear what.
On the some time this morning, miles thank you very much for join us a appreciate it appreciate you, taking more and m and having the companies are associated with it sub.Tell this in mind and blow through the fire wall. So that goes to the VPN for the people in China the first for freedom. Can I can listen to it and see it thank you, sir.Thank you thank you.