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郭文贵:好的,大家早上好,先生你知道,你知道在这次战斗室,然后我和很多欧洲的领导谈话,然后我们每,我们有三个、三个电话视频,然后我们谈到了这个问题,然后他们有香港来的这些爆料、爆料者。In the first time in the、


郭文贵:嗯这个、这位女士她来,她差点在香港被谋杀,她来美国之前The first thing, 所以说她来到,第一次来到美国、见到的第一个美国人是班农先生。是在他们的办公室里进行了一个面试。然后班农先生结束了面试以后、都睡在了我们几个办公室里,没有回家。然后之前我们还有其他的人,哦对而且连续了三天,班农先生在办公室的地板上睡了三天、为做这个采访。很多欧洲的这些领导人,What’s the movies? 他们想和我们的这个科学家谈论关于这个冠状病毒的情况。这是第一个从中国内部逃出来、可以谈论关于关于冠状病毒真相的人。而且是非常聪明的一位科学家。然后这些领导告诉我,我们欧洲还有整个全世界,之前我们以为中共亦是中国,然后中国又是中国人。但是因为班农先生,然后还有我们爆料革命所做出的努力,中共并不包括中国,也并不包括中国人。中国人没有给中共任何权利,中共就是中共。
 I want to I want to return of the reason I want to have spent it on he is a perfect example of a business man in the west was an English American have gone to this journey of time.At work with China and work with the sea cp and his policy. Now this is why he is a murder on the rich not to democrats are you know we have got some.要keep cup。We some how have to make this work out that the ccp may be able to reform right on this is something they have been pushing for a long time.
  We will have more the rule of law, more of democracy. I say what you see in Hong Kong is a reality, but I want you to tell the people what do you think?Is the ccp work for mobile is that we really see the real face them behind the mask in Hong Kong and what they are doing the Hong Kong people. Thank you.的reform and you know China open up the talk seven years. Not only last year today they never was really.Reform and opening up, they just try to use that you know you can cheat your save the 1930 cct give the Chinese I can.
  Week and democracy freedom to going to China as it never happened also they always talk to west the world Chinese can not have dinner.Can religion because so dangerous Chinese not a good education Chinese don’t know anything now rules of the law in the 20 years.30 years can have the rule of the law, but this is 70 years to talk about this now after seven years in c.Fuck of Chinese can not have democracy freedom and you know CC p can guarantee west world war street me dear you can get the money in the China.
  Education u no media control make you busy hi to make your poor and you know you don’t find.China now cct have the new policy last 30 years since 2001 the American.
  But you and the contract China have the olympic games they go to the social society buy America America give the.13 times then cc have a new strategy youth America America use American technology take down America.
  Technology and build the Chinese ccp control Chinese the fire work use of America wall street.Then we are American make American on stage make America go to die now you are American.Big big in return and economy down and American have the American have the culture.Evolution. They is cct in America and your nationality b company.
  Does cct the program 2017 and in the desi I have put the conference call the American of the world. You are.Ccdd black coming on the sky you must be now they want where America take the America.On the table now they use American in America is bad, but now so you must be now is the three little asked me mouth.We are so upset, all the west was me dear no one is there really the city from the corner.
  It is the ccd can we are gonna me and democracy and freedom the long time y. Nobody has.This that was the world you are driven by perfect by wall street media lose you are OK.Let me.
 Let me ask you a couple of things. Number one, the ccp right now Beijing is holding out to the world that look at look at the night.State has bought this pan dem. It look at the Italy the west. We got it right. We have very few days, only 3000 death and move on.We have very little spread the virus, although there in Beijing, what’s the reality you think in China itself has accp.
  U done a better job than the rest of the world, are they line to the world. Now, you know that’s why the American.Now you are very general of the Chinese but Chinese not get the China they get out.Generous soci cp is always think of American stupid. They are can cheat you again again the use American in that pretty.Go in the panda. In fact, there are four years to change the party, I change the party, you are they call you.
  American student in the political. In fact, I so sorry, I mean I don’t want to look.21. But I want the American is stronger the threat of America.Must be put together in possible one day one person you can have the work with cCBA think you are.You are as easily can get the story of technology lose your job right then use the contract to you dollars.
  You are so naive to think the rule of the law, the used to take you again again again, so americans use the blood.Get the correct words if nobody ask where from the who make the other is the from the little.Not from the trees and the hamburger never from the tree is the farm的cp。一直到XX 2009 to December I talked the Great Wall is the must be come America first the city is.
  New and Los Angeles and London look five months ago this month ago, but even now I can know what to say this is very fun.The government is no action, you need no no body now can give you exactly time. How can stop American.People die how can find the truth who can take the responsibility. The only reason only one go to China.Take down the see see c cb can stop and American people die ccb也是。
  Y I’m, 我睡,all the leaders nobody talk CD.Have a big boy. Take about that you are there, 不?发布的grand。So I need to wake up the 13 years we need to wake up, we need the bag. I believe we can take down ccp.Only take down ccDCcb can take the responsibility, give the American people to die.
 Let me in her second at the sea cp it shock ING to me that people don’t call the sea cp virus. Don’t say it came from these guys.If it didn’t come from a lot, if it didn’t come her weapons program, they certainly know about it and ex asper ate its run. You take a hard to say, hey, this is a biological.And understand the try to take down the west weather be the one is right there definitely responsible why has the western media what’s the influence campaign?
  That the ccp has run. So nobody talks about this. Nobody said, hey, there is 135000 of americans said there was hundreds of thousands of out the world from here.Lead to Brazil to India to London and nobody sits there on a daily basis and says you’re responsible you’ve got to open up all the last you have to let see all the.Information, what type of Information war they run in my life so that everybody is like a sheep, nobody ever is afraid and as soon as you mentioned that is going.Band of chicken spirit theory windows for for saying this. Sir, sir. I believe that my personally I don’t know.
  Political struggle, everything I don’t care, I don’t know, American government later on American government you are very pretty because you are.Only to reason why you get the gyu fear cCPU get your sexy with you, you give you money before you can not.But you are American people die because you get another reason you only think yourself pretty.Thanks. Are you American people to die you because your service and get me only to reason to them.
  By time to time when we are fun American can find out the truth.How can solve the corner in the America? How can people American people to die for people to die? Does it easy?习近平,王岐山有非,而习近平王岐山,only the guy。You can now at the stupid crazy school can talk that they need take responsibility because I’m American people die no no solution.
  No,I did not action step2的problem every time I join in the room。But the American people still get, in fact, also American may be nice to your family may be you.Maybe your mother one America you lose your American number one and accp is the paper tiger.You can take down make Chinese 1.4 billion people with American together. Trust me Chinese.
  American media you can make a bigger clean the safety money. Dozen times you were accp.On the table make the dirty money, you only one.Make clean the safety money. Talk about your return in the mirror of war and m going to talk about what the alternative is one of the things that c.He puts out there the Chinese people are not ready for democracy. They’re not ready for freedom that not ready for liberty. They can’t handle the role or there are too dumb and bar bar.
  OK and we have to control them. We’re going to talk about it all turn of the new federal state of China. We return with both world Jack back to you.
And I want to go back in in lay out one thing. In fact we got some response to jump in here to give us some feed back on for and talk to me about the new.State of China. Yeah, I do want to get some feed back in the miles you are having a great impression on this whole movement global. We have one of our American view as said was.The real patriot for the people of China we all need to fight for the Chinese people don’t give up another way to keep going miles action, action action lets take down.
  Accp. You really you really have a great fan base among the smile and your inspiration for a lot of people around the world your courage. Thank you.你不是说那个want to get the g TV every day is a 47, but make sure you get to a warm and m in the life.And you will make sure miles in the team over it over agtv get call this no post it later in the day is the basic question got about five or six minutes.Is the ccp continue to tell the world the Chinese people are too dumb to an educated to on road too long as they can handle.
  Democracy, they can have a rule of law. So you have 1.4 billion people in one of the most ancient civilization goes back five, 10000 years.All that during the olympics that beautiful opening ceremony. So you get this ancient civilization, but the people are too much, but they can’t handle anything that is.Video the rest of the world or the United States or Canada and Mexico in hand or Latin America there to love. And one of the people told me that there was never all.It was the cc pork OS. The new federal state. Why have you got in back of me? Why do you want that? I am really touched by how many.
  Sports and cultural people that are expected that had to leave China that are the actors have joined. This is the new federal state and alternative to the sea.
Thank you sir. I want you know I want to talk to west world and wall street and the west side media and finance people.And west side the media. You need to stop this. U can earn money, money, money, money from China.
  Because we have a new years day we can release Chinese one point for being the people we can make you provide one point.4 billion people the market give you are that supposed to hollywood street every body.Body is not easy to they are beautiful world. They don’t want you talk to Chinese only talk to zcp.They may not create the power of now we are you Free state. We are don’t want the American as the power we only one.
  Democracy freedom and Chinese want to show you we never any country we have never make with.Country Chinese future only one with my American west world 1000 years of peace for contract Chinese do you.Nick nationality America do first, so we don’t do it first give americans to first you are American first.Only do you need what hard work very humble we want the religion of so we build the new visual state of one.
  The world with Chinese one Chinese 1000 years of peace for future, you can get the big money.Ma can you can enjoy the don’t need you don’t need to kill people don’t need to Hong Kong kiss.一般的people go to jail make the we are future is equal real relationship,peaceful future,not bad。
  With the Chinese with what the world we call is the clean power for America give what the words that I want.Thank you speak Chinese and we create the new date now everyday hundred million people.Five 10 million take down China have new no fire will have a rule of the law to America west world long term of peace.
  Contract Chinese don’t need to build army navy American can make the world peaceful Chinese just keep hard work.Peace for ma can give your cooperation that that we are future we all the global future, we don’t need make the correct.The kill you what’s the world, where is the media?U remember tomorrow from 10 new we have a special on the America standing up to the Chinese cabbage part about the issue of Hong Kong will be to our special work.
  Voice is the Hong Kong people must go on. I will be I want to say one thing as we as we got a couple of seconds left here, if you look at the new federal state of China and all the past.That’s coming together Chinese people to America to the west and compared to the hate that comes out by the sea cp every day about America.Is nothing but pure hate. This is what they tell the Chinese people behind the five of us that the boys in the mind of the capture the people in China it’s got to stop we got to come from.We have to take down the sea cp Jack back to u, then u guys a lot for taking this back in the studio.
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