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  Good morning.
  为what,one in the United States of Virginia. One.那。
  John miller I represent the end.都选过David Morris e from the ground in crowd. We represent the point of the department.Do you swear to interpret? Yes, I do.郑重的宣示,待会要讲政治,讲实话,全部讲。
  说实话你愿意吗?Yes好了我。郭文贵,郭文贵。And is that your current legal name?在这个法律明示吧,是郭浩云guo这括号问安康。Pronunciation. And that is the name that is on your Hong Kong passport. 1.
  And where do you live第五大道?1781号have a new number 781. And how long have you lived there?住了多久?4年,三不到4年。A little bit over three years, the less than four. And before then香港北京。
  北京还有伦敦啊,what should I have?会是的。I will try and pronounce it directly的u.Who ever been before以前从来没有做过这一类的,how many times啊?
  上次three times。And when were those three times 201720?8年的9月份11月份还有9月份和10月份September and November of 2018.And those were the only time is in September and November did he say sorry? 9月。不。I don’t remember the exact date. I don’t know how.
  Those positions work and let me say that if you don’t understand the question that I’m asking you can ask me to.Is it不了解或不清楚,那么你以前做的寻找取证是什么进行的,但是今天我可以告诉你就是如果。我问您的问题您不清楚的话,请您不用客气告诉我,重新陈述。If you do not know the answer to the question, you can tell me that you don’t know the answer.Not asking you the gas, 知道答案,请您告诉我,我不知道,不用猜测了。
  You need to take a break. That’s fine. We surely almost certainly will be taking some breaks. But if you need to take a break.如果你想要休息的时候肯定的没问题告诉我,那么如果你没有要求,我会在固定的时间休息一下,是?I only ask that we not take a break when there is a question ending, 我唯一的要求就是说我问你一个问题,你没有回答之前,我们先不要休息为她打。完了再休息,谢谢。
  Have you then a party to any other was in the United States在美国其他。他的法律诉讼案件有没有牵涉到您?你有没有yes?And do you know how many Washington.Have been a part two in the United States知不知道在美国有几桩法律诉讼案件牵涉到你的,大概约30个左右吧。有我有别人送我的,也是我送别人的啊。Some on the plant, some.
  OK the first thing that I.For the first topic that I’m going to ask you about is going to be about social media啊,so I’m going to try.Break the steps of the topics so that I’m not jump ING from something the same, 我有几个主题要问你,我就把重点放用主题的。方式一一堆一堆的问,这样的话我们才不会跳来跳去,第1个主题问的是社交媒体啊,do you have a Twitter account?
  你有没有推特账户曾经有你and when did you stop having a时候把推特账号关了。不是我挂的,是翠翠把我的关了,closed my account,do you know why Twitter.你知不知道推特为什么关了你的账户,不知道I.什么时候发生的?0 2017年的10月份左右吧,从停止到今年。
  男的大概在八九月份关掉啊。Afternoon October 2017 and last two about 2018.谢谢。This is the witness ING that is how long it was spend or how long he had the account.这个这段时间被停止了,还是这段时间里拥有推特账户,这段时间201 2016年。
  2017年的这个2月份我开始拥有的推特是拥有一个账号使用到2017年,大概七八个月以后就被,就是。禁止使用一些功能,到2018年的大概五六月份就全部给饿2018年大概八九月份我记不清详细时间就全部给你。停掉了,opened the Twitter account in February of 2017, used it for 67.Very much. And some function was stopped in the October of 2017. And bye August and September.
  Of 20 r 18, the entire car was closed. OK do you have any or let me with you.My question and how many followers did you have on Twitter at the time was spend it, 在你的这一个推特账户被。停止的那一段时间,刚才讲的那一段时间你有多少个粉丝?45万以上吧,45.50000. And do you have any chance的?
  第1个渠道,yes I do一个。And what is the name on that you?那个忧愁的名字叫什么?我现在应该是我知道中文名字啊,注册账号记不太清楚,中文名字叫郭文贵。I do not remember the register number, but the name of the channel is guo wen.Do you have any channels under the name miles clock?
  啊,这个渠道名字叫吗?有话我这个人记不太清楚,因为优酷上很多我的账号也有这个我的支持。是注册的,用我的名字,也有一些其他的人注册的,包括同事啊,记不太清楚,remember.This name. There were many account and you to that used my name. Some were registered by my sports, someone register.还有一些我们的我的敌人共产党,也每天都有新的一些账号来用我名字注册。
  Just arrived by my name is people in the Communist Party so a lot of people registered to YouTube.With my name. So what I want to ask about our YouTube channels on which you post videos.I’m not asking about people who might take your name and and use it for for that reason but said just just were you post video.我是指你用这一个啊,这一个渠道去自己放视频上去的。
  Name is OK, thank you. And how many scribe as are there to the channel?账户有几位,我曾经到了268,000,现在大概在接近20万,197,000左右。I used to reach about 260000 and it up to about 200 thousand right now is one.看见来的。And how often do you put out videos on your YouTube channel? 大概。
  多经常放视频,有时候每周3~4次,有时候一天可能一次两次不确定。Sometimes do your four times per week, some times two or three times today. And what are the videos about?这一些视频的内容是什么,啊,反对中国共产党,让中国有法制,自由,信仰,自由。还有反对在海外的共产党派出来的间谍特务,还有反对在海外拍出来的片子啊。
  Against the Chinese Communist Party, support the the legal freedom and religious freedom. Also.So against the spice and sent out to the United States by the Communist Party. The size spy.是and the Communist Party, the Chinese Communist Party of spice to the United States the correct.中国共产党会派间谍到美国是吧?什么意思?
  你。You know he will he said that he speaks against the wise that the Chinese said so perhaps the answer of self evident I don’t need to.Down the world. Particularly very far so I’m going to draw the question as I don’t. I don’t think it’s的。所以呢,这个问题他撤回了啊,因为刚才的答案已经想明白了,他问who are to homework.
  Directed who are you speaking to the new针对所有支持让美国更爱。反对共产党的人,all of who support a safer United States.And those who are against. And how many people are.View these videos, 有多少人,每一次。
  How about this the the video that the most people saw.Many people thought that that video大概有多少?Have you had that?Do you have your own website?
  Have you ever had your website或网页网页,我不记得我有啊。Web site or page. I don’t recall that I have that OK. I’ll go back to that.待会再回来吧。We move to a new subject. Do you make a public speaking appearance, 你。
  帮我做这一个公开演讲,公开演讲。Do you know about how often you make public speaking of parents?的。And would it be fair to say that at the public speaking of parents as you talk.About the same things that you will talk about in your videos with regard to protect in the United States and and for democracy in China.So what he said today said what the previously I thought that what he said was that he speaks to people who are嗯。
  He speaks against the support of the same. The United States and against the city. That was.My understanding of what the video is right now I just believe the question friend is a little bit different way OK what I could bring it that way that what I intend to it was with.Whether or not the other speaking appearance is are about those same things about the protection of the United States and and against the communist. A.A government in China, 公开演讲的时候,讲话的内容是不是跟你在视频上所讲的那样?
  都是一样的,也就是您刚才说的来保护这个美国的安全,反对中国的共和共产党。当然of course。啊have you been have your activity is been covered by the media.这些活动有没有受到媒体的关注?有。Do you consider yourself to be a public figure? 不认为自己本人是一个公众人物。
  No. Was there a profile?U in the New York times, 纽约时报有没有对您本人做了一个个人介绍的报道?And you.合作吗?Interview, do you consider the cooperation? I do consider cooperation because you have the right not to be interview.
  So so my question is, did you read the interview权利不要接受采访,我现在问你。您的问题就是说明白了,我希望说清楚,英语水平。太高了的OK.Have you spoken to when they have you given inter views to the media.
  但媒体把这一个访谈过,yes,yes。And is the purpose of these inter views to advance the car.Us r that you speak in favour of on your videos and elsewhere.再一次的强调您在您的视频上面所强调的几个重点。And it would be fair to say that you’ve been political active.
  我的you can can be more specific. I guess we know what that means the United States. I will.I will replace it, r have you thought to achieve some of your goals.Through political means. That is to say, by working with American politicians, 也就是说。嗯,是不是在政治上很活跃,但是呢,您的律师要他重新定义,所以呢,他重新问这个问题,就是说您是不是在透过这个证。
  公司的这个手段达到您的目标,也就是来说服美国的政客来支持您,no.Other than speaking a engage.Sand and videos. What other activities have you in gauge DIN for the car?As against the er, communist government in China, 除了演讲。
  On your question, I can tell you when I’m sleep, I think about that subject matter, whatever I do, I think about that subject matter. My goal is to save the 14.1.4 billion Chinese people hope in China can become a rule of law country has been in fear and have.Religious freedom. So and no spice r cent to the western countries are to correct the society. So I do not.The same your question. So my question is that the the goals that he is seeking to accomplish the.
  He is just speaking about I was just asking what he he is doing to for that goal. That’s all.哦,他的意思就是说您刚才讲的这些重点,也就是说你还有没有做其他的动作来达到你刚才讲的这些目的,我听不懂。啊。I have read media reports that u.Have been working with Steve Allen. It was first of all, that correct.
  就是您现在跟第1个班能在一起工作,我涉及到第三方的事情,我不想回答。I don’t want to answer questions that 3rd parties involved的。Or, and let me just say for the record, the reason I’m asking the question is actually I don’t.I don’t care about the specific about what they’re doing. R profit. The reason of the question is, obviously one of our differences related to the witness.
  In a public figure. And so since he says he is not a public figure, r. And I think that he is doing it seems to me that he is doing a lot of work.Toward a helping democracy in China. That I just want to establish I think he is doing a lot in that respect in other words, he is po sting videos.He is meeting with people I am reading about friends and he is creating. And I say this with no do business with regard to his intent. I just want to stay with that. That’s what he is doing. So that’s why I’m asking what is.Doing and if he doesn’t understand what I mean when I say what other things are you doing in order to to to pursue this goal, that is obviously very important that thinks about that.
  Tonight. And I have no doubt that he does. R. Then I have to start asking specific questions. My Prince will be not to just to be clear. So there is any way.Communicate to the weakness in a way that I can just get a very brief over view of what he is doing that would solve my problem very quickly.我现在要澄清一下,我刚才问这个问题并不需要取得一个非常具体的内容,我只是要告诉你,就是说根据我们的这一个被告。放的这个啊,这个看法就是您本人是一个公众人物,那么你刚才已经否认你是一个公众人物,但是我们看到从你的视频里面已经说了。
  你所做的工作理念都是集中在促进中国的民主化,而且呢,这几个除了您的视频,您的工作,还有您设立的一些基金。我说这个话并不是说对你有什么什么不尊敬的地方,我的意思就是说如果你不了解我问的问题的话,那么我必须要用其他的方式用。较具体的方式来问,但是基本上我问这个目的的目的只是非常具体的,不是要了解具体的内容,就是想了解除了你刚才讲的两个渠道之外,还有没有做起来。他的工作来促进,你刚才讲就是达到中国。So that you’ve had a brief of you what is doing are you.
  Ask if there is anything out side of what you’ve spoken about that he is doing to advance the right, in other words, and again, i’ll say it again.I know is first thing that is and speaking someone, this is very, as I say, I have no doubt about it personally have not express any doubt about it since I I’m just zoo ming.Media and I’m asking if there is anything other than po sting videos is people who want to have political solution sometimes in the age of political activity, people who want to fun thing.Sometimes in the age of funding engage in organize and there are all kinds of things that people do when they want to achieve a political goal, particularly one as noble.
  As a achieve democracy in China. And given the condition in his means, I just want I was just ask and.And so you have the answer about the political environment. He said.Yeah, he says he is not engage in any political environment, but I need to know what he said so that related to politics. So let’s get it.Whether or not there is anything else I just want to know if there is anything else is doing is the only thing that is doing if the only that he is doing to help the cause of democracy in China is po sting videos.
  And making in frequency beach as I’m totally fine with that, I just want to know that that’s the answer.比如说您刚才讲您的这个目的是什么,也讲了一系列,除了刚才讲的视频,还有一些公开的演讲,而且我非常的相信您是一个非常诚恳的啊,但是呢。我们了解在美国有的时候,你要透过正确的解决方式,或者是用出钱的方式,组织任何一种行动,某一些行动来达到一些政治目标。我知道您的目标呢,是非常令人尊敬,而因为你要把这个促进中国的这个民主化,但是我现在想问的就是说除了刚才讲的。
  视频公开演讲这两种方法来达到您刚才说的,我们做很多不能一一的告诉他。因为这涉及到我们面对的强大的供着CC这个敌人,我们涉及到很多人的安全,还有一个未完成的信息,我们是不能披露的,我们。跟很多人有各种口头上和文字上的承诺,所以说这个问题不在今天,我不认为今天应该回答这个问题。Other than those two things to go against the cCPA lot of people safety is are involved a lot of.
  Information and the process of gathering. We also have a sign agreement with certain people not to this close the Information.So I think that subject matter is not appropriate to be asked to day, 比如说我们曾经公布过要成立法治基金。这个是这个拯救中国更多被共产党cp害的人,但是呢,这个问题这个牵扯到我的角色和我的。定义我是一个朝内的,我是一个资金赞助的,我没有资格对这个事情发出更多的评论,而且事情正在进行中,这些都是共产党最想得到。
  这个信息而不是一个我我去告的一个一个骗子国宝是这样,应该得到的信息跟这个事情没有什么关系。We used to content playing on establish ING and legal fund to assist the those who have been hurt by CC p.But because I Madonna because of the road that I’m playing I have no right to give a public speech the Information you want.R, the Information ccp want OK.
  I just say for the record, by the way, I do not want to hope the ccb.他现在和国宝正是非常想过来的,他问的问题现在都是怪那个小蚊子。What about is interested in 1保山。We are same name guo very similar to that you are on the side.
  Well or different. I am gonna I’m going to make a distinction for the remain to this position that I have known.Trust in pur suing, the goals of the sea cp. What so ever下午。If there is anybody is curious about that I said.Is an officer of the course, but no contact with the sea cp or anyone from China, in connection with this case, other than my fire.And gentleman that you saw student的我。
  只为笑,而我本人郑重的陈述陈述一下,我对于这个中国共产党,我对于帮助他们一点兴趣都没有,而且呢,我自己本人的是美国。法院里的一位工作人员,因为我是个律师,我对中国共产党没有任何的接触,我对于中国人也没有任何的接触,这个案件里面我唯一碰到的接触。这两个人就是那个郭宝山,以及刚才的那位先生是一位先生号我,他这么说我很赶。I am very appreciate共产党。
  Forever. Your question is helping accp. If I ask a question, the answer to which.Will help the Chinese government. Please let me now. So that we all can still clear of those questions. Because I don’t think any.Put in this world. And I hope I don’t get in trouble with the Chinese government by saying this I’m not interested at all. In that other than.Have the facts. Certain small a disk read in this case,如果我问的问题,您认为这个是对中国共产党就好。
  请你告诉我,我会避免问那一类的问题,因为我自己也不想给自己找麻烦,我也不希望这个这个中国政府来找我麻烦哦,对于。那个啊,那一些主题是一点兴趣都没有,我今天主要的就是针对这个案子,有一些某一些小的具体的事情我想弄清楚。I’m going to move to a different topic. R. How did you mean? 现在您跟郭宝胜是怎么认识的?我原来并不认识他,是我在2007年开始爆料以后,他开始听。
  把我然后支持我的反共产党反cp,然后呢,在他自己在一处视频支持我,我一直不认识他知道2.017年的10月四三号,我在华盛顿的这个有一个新闻发布会的时候,他出现在现场,我们有了一个家。简单的握手啊,后来大概在10 12 2018 2017年220。17年2018年是几月份啊?大概几个月前吧,我在这个华盛顿来的时候,在酒店见过一次面,也就是几分钟试试。
  事实上我根本不认识他啊,I did not know that person. Prior to 2017. After.It to this close the are the x posed to the ugly news of ccp in 2017 and he.Put out of video support in my position. When I was in Washington DC ron.第2个open the news conference give the news conference October the 3rd of press conference in Washington d.
  C on October third of 2017, he appeared, and we should have few months ago, some time in 28.I was in the DC hotel, and we met for a couple of minutes.That I actually don’t really know this person啊。要不要改造成过日子OK啊。They are the press conference in 2018.
  What was that about? Ha, 这一个2017年的新闻发布会是什么目的是什么?目的就是揭发。共产党有一个有两个计划,一个叫蓝鲸皇BG外一个叫3f计划是对美国的间谍渗透和彻底。因为美国的一个中国政府的秘密计划,还有一些政府内部文件,我召开了新闻发布会,这样让世界和美国政府知道这个事情。So that our price and conference was to exposed to very important plan by the sea sea.
  One is called 1.The other is called three of those three. Those were the plan, the Communist Party plan.To send space to the United States to destroy us government. Have you given the press?10%, 除了这个之外,还有没有其他的新闻发布会,我不知道他说什么,什么?
  我刚刚在11月,2018年10月20号有一个海南王建之死的真相。这个新闻发布会在纽约press conference November 20 years.1 t at, which is to exposed some truth about hi. 爱情h这个group。Chairman is the death. The truth, 王健带死的王。
  见王健。1000, are you well known in China, 我不知道。标准现在for now. How about now?现在,现在我没在海外,我听说的我很有名。What I heard it.
  OK, when you lived in China.Are you well known in the Chinese community in the United States在美国的中国社区里面,你是不是很有名?这个我不知道你有你的标准是什么不?So you did not know you did not really no bush ING.
  保山是吧?A did you ever?而papers and go any money.Default to me. Let me ask the question and did you ever transfer any funds to the ocean?也会检验。Why did you transfer funds the ocean?
  这里的原因我被他骗了,today he destroyed me.How many times did u transfer money to go shang guan? 你汇钱给我几次,两次。具体几处不清楚,do you have any documents related to the transfer of any money?To both钱给他,have you produced those documents.
  To to your turn or two to me, 把这些文件交给律师。OK will have you used to thee to your turn有没有提供给您的律师?啊。I don’t know that I have any documents related to the transfer funds of them wrong about that you OK.等哦哦way from that r other than the documents that have been provided to your turning with regard to transfer to go.
  Wo do you have any other documents related to the transfer of funds the bush, 这些文件证明你这个会前。郭宝珊之外,还有没有其他的这个文件,证明你汇钱给他。的文件。I’m just asking for any documents other than what he is provided to the turning,也就是说除了交给律师的,还有没有其他的1.他的语音通话,证人算不算?
  I was just refer ring the documents that related to the transfer of funds only not给了律师了。Some documents to my return OK号,what was the purpose for transfer funds?我先挂,目的是什么?目的是因为郭宝胜他说他要建立在华盛。成立反共产党的这个全世界的民主人士,反共人士的会议,还有一个她要购买一些。
  啊,这个录音视频的社交媒体需要的一些设备如手机呀,这个灯光啊,还有一些设备。这两个原因are the purpose of those money was because he said he is going。In 222, hold a conference that is occurred to the people.Around the world that support democracy and against CC p, he also said that he needed video.
  Require related equipment. Cell phones. There are the lights are for the conference and some.Related to the activity. And that’s why I was different. Do you know if both and grow up?Post video in which he in which he said ur which.He plays you很赞扬的很多。
  还and when did you become aware of these videos that we praise worthy of you?赞赏的这些视频你是什么时候知道的?一开始我就知道2017年开始when he started the post them。是美国呀。And you know around what time that was when we started po sting the videos that you.记不太清楚。
  Do you know if there was a time when what do you say that? You and I don’t think it’s in which dispute that there have been.啊啊,post things by both are critical of you. Now.And that’s the question. Well, what i’ll do is it this way. Do you know why I just want to get the foundation of action.复印。Agree that in the complaint do you know why ocean global began most critical statements about you.
  When he had previously on post in the statement这些视频都是在辽宁的,后来呢,他开始呢。拨出去一些视频呢,是对你要进行批评的,你知道为什么吗?这就是我要。起诉郭葆生的其中第1个原因。One for the first reason that I should.我相信郭宝胜,他说的话是他在他的视频中说的是实话,他说中国的,他的老家。
  他的国安人员,警察找到了他的母亲,并愿意给他3000万到8000万,还有超级豪宅中。没诱惑,作为交易让它开始反对郭文贵,然后呢,制造麻烦让我停止对共产党的这个反对共产党。让中国有宗教的自由,法治的自由,这是我要起诉郭宝胜的第1个原因。The first reason I should the year MR guo shen was that I do not feel the fact that he stay.
  On the video that the police officers and the are the security people went to his hometown.I found his mother at which time, are they offered his mother, 30 million to 18 million.$10人民币RMB for next world to turn against me for the purpose.But for the things that I am doing, which is in the United Communist Party.
  你说的。The stage apart from the social media. On the million RMB he also said that the.怎么都不so luxury home。Have been to set of the rule of law and religious freedom.
  只有我们知道root, 所以呢,根据这个信息来看郭宝生在视频上他讲过的这个事实。我认为他的对我的所有的不叫批评是侮辱,是陷害,是对我们的挑战,而且我认为这个过去一。一年多来把我奉为最高尊重的人,结果突然间就相反,你觉得这正常吗?曾经作为一个牧师。曾经作为一个所谓的作者,这样的人,打着民主的幌子,几十年突然间的转变,这正常吗?
  Information that he is closed, on the video. I don’t think it is r. It is against.I think it is exciting to me. Think about it. In the past one years, he said nothing but supporting me, 把。All of the sudden hundred 80 degrees. He was a past, he was an author who can turn in that.So quickly, do you think that’s normal? So it is would it be fair to say.
  But it is your position that the reason that the world is now critical of you is because he is being paid to be critical of you by the Chinese government.好的,那么您的立场就是说,那么过往社会现在来反对你是因为中国政府付钱给他买了他对吧?我基于对这个事情的怀疑和不正常的现象和他后来发生对我们这个反对共产党的这些所有的支持者。欺骗和侮辱,和他对所有的亲近工党人士的亲近等诸现象和事实,所以我到法院起诉了。
  她诈骗了我们的钱财,诈骗了很多战友的钱财,这些现象我们希望通过美国法院通过调查,能得出真相,能让美国的。法院给他给我们一个公平,这就是我们今天坐在这里的原因。Based on my station of him and his.Normal activities that I he he was it shows that he is so.And if I did those who against CC p, his attitude or he appears to be very close to ccp.
  He destroyed a lot of money out of those who are against the sea. Does the reason why I fell the lost here, I hope the call.The United States can go to conduct an investigation and give us a result.When do you think grow, turned on you and started making critical statement.记不太清楚了,我只记得这个。
  警察和国安找他家给的豪宅和钱以后他就开始转变,具体时间不知道可以从他的社交媒体上看得出来。The time happened when he said that the police and public security people visited his hometown offer the family.I like your ears home and money right after that he turned on me you can find the Information to media不。Well I’m asking and asking you it it seems that you have watched that in.
  You and y of 2018 ocean world began tweet ING statements that work.Critical of you and upon which you are suing I’m just trying to figure out whether or not he did anything or than that, 那我问你这个。问题的原因呢,就是在你的起诉状里面没有提到2018年的6月7月左右,我保证开始用推特的方式对你进行。批评,我想问您的这个问题,就是说在这个2018年6月7月之前,他有没有欺骗你?
  我们的起诉状已经告诉他的时间和标准以那个为主。In our, so I think.That should understand. That’s fine. Did you ever have any agreement?I mean, i’ll be more specific. Have you ever had any written agreement with the defendant.包括悬挂,书面的协议。Do you mean to be clear?
  A formal contract or do you mean the writing and communication between the two or how do you mean I mean any agree that’s memorial and write.Whether it be a written contract or whether they Email back and forth, I will do this. If you do that an Email.Black and says I accept the terms or you know things to that effect, 书面的,正式的合同呢?还是这个书面上写下来的这些啊,这些文件交换对方的律师是说除了一些正式的合同之外,有没有像电邮啊,就是。
  哦,你如果做这个我会做什么等等,比如说有书面记载的这些,有一些书面记载的,发信息。嗯,一秒有我的我们的我都趴在那好像给他发过一遍,我记不太清楚了,我本人肯定没有,他给我发过一秒啊。这些东西有些已经给律师了,有些还在整理中,return.Email yes, my point send him some Email Email but I personally never sent any Email he did some.
  Female and all those Information, some of them already provided to my Chinese. Some of them are in the midst of.我compare OK so there are Email from ocean world that have not yet been produced to your turn. It is.这么讲郭宝胜给您的某一些电影,我说的是语音通话。我们语音通话的翻译中有一些啊,我不确定这件事情,provide to all my Chinese.
  What I was referred to all the voice recording that are in the process of translation.However, the original documents have been provided. There are some things that.That’s not OK OK.What what the witness ED was that he was in the process of translation, OK at least that’s what the interpret said the witness.
  语音of what’s been provided. He’s in the process of trans lated was already been provided OK.OK that’s why I just want to make sure that I know what I got. You have indicated.Earlier that bush and girl had posted many videos that we praise worthy of you prior well, first of all, that he post video that will praise where the.U prior to meeting you, 在果宝上还没有见到您之前,他有没有泼一些?
  视频啊,是对你赞扬的,很多。How did he ocean world no? Who you?Were, 怎么知道您的呢?你?MR guo郭宝。Did you ever pay any.Expenses of ocean ground, 我不是复试被骗。
  欺骗了我的战友,欺骗了支持我的战友,还有非常非常贫穷的,以前连饭都吃不饱的人,这是我今天要起诉他。Apply for the other travel from me. Are you all so different that those who support.What is me for travel travel expenses, including those who were really poor, for example, people in Los Angeles.That makes less than $2000 a month. And he did them for the travel expenses such as air line.
  Take it and then many times over the travel fee is light from me, he did not spend it on travel and.What is the second reason I’m showing him today he applied for the travel fee to be used airplane to be the hotel and then also divided the people who says.这是我要起诉他的第2个原因,我他吃饭。吃饭的钱都是我们给他报销的,但是他却有的是他喝的酒的时候我们来我们都给他付了,但是他同时在最穷的这些支持我的战友。
  他们用生命来反对共产党,结果他们榨取了他们身上仅仅剩下能生活的钱,这是我的。必须取出他的第2个原因,during his travel, whatever he is the meal expenses and why the letter that he drinks.O what is what it was money paid out by us and people. Poor people who supported me.Those who are those people who go against the ccp against the city with their life. And he be different of their lively.
  Let them with very little money for food and that is the second reason I have to, 他在这个所谓的初级是旅行。你让我报销费用,原因是他支持我们反对共产党和这个爆料革命,结果他到了这些地方去以后列入加州例如拉斯维加斯。他这个在那里拿着钱和钱和机票费用多倍的钱之外,他所干的事情是给别人出示所谓的。这些人申请正p的文件,他又索取了别人的费用,就因为他利用爆料革命片。
  原来已变了,以爆料支持暴力革命,支持我反对共产党为由,骗取那么多弱势群体的钱,并且。给别人以政治庇护来诱惑,获得这些财富完全和他所说的,对,我只是爆料这个原因。不过这是我要起诉他的第3个原因。So he said the reason for his trouble was to support my mission of against the.Cp hee troubles to to California to las vega the travel expenses that he he applied.
  Was many times over than what he really spent. So he went to California he use the name of helping people to c political science.Taking money from them. And although he said his goal is to support our mission to go against the city, but he was.Exactly the opposite。And that is the 3rd reason I have,所以我会建议我们的律师向法庭申请对这些人的。出庭作证,并且对这些人因为这些人的隐私,共产党在打击他们,迫害他们。
  在保护的情况下,希望这也能出证,recommendation to you during the seed that you can look for those people to come.To the call as the witness, but please to keep in mind to protect their privacy and protect them not two not to screw protect their.Privacy and protect他今天所有过往做的事情,包括他把这些人的个人信息都曝照了,推特上。以威胁这些人去所谓的,如果敢说出真相就会到美国政府检举,他去到美国政府把他们遣返,让他们补。
  获得正p来这样的威胁,这就是在帮助中国共产党在打压反对共产党的势力,这是卑鄙的可耻的问题。这是美国法律认可国家法律都不允许的,这是我要起诉郭宝上的第4个第3个原因。So MR cool. Next used to a Twitter exposed to those are people who were sitting there silence exposed.Their names and their Information r threat. And those people are those people. So I think what is.
  Did is short for and it’s terrible. And that’s the reason why I’m doing hymn for the first reason I’m sick.The 3rd reason I’m showing him in order to see the fair treatment of those people that was sitting.他会杀人。People is on the population. Those people with the situation, 再送回国。
  OK the bush ING will represent to you that he was going to create a.Group as gold was to assist victims of the sea cp. Correct, 成立一个组织来宝。共产党破坏的人对不对?要成立一个组织,庇护那些共产党的这些下人。我不知道,organization should to help these factors.
  你要出来did did the defendant represent to you did the ocean will represent to you that he needed financial support to purchase video clip.And in order to hold the conference on to take the first steps to create a group who’s got was to assist the victims of the sea cp.赵本山有没有告诉您就是说她要召开一个这个大会,大会之后要成立一个组织,这个组织是帮助被这个共产党破坏的人。因为要这个大会,它需要一些视频设备,跟您要钱,有没有其他事这个答案的问题的。
  只是存在的事的,啊,the event that you describe exist.但是郭宝胜却利用了这个,他是利用这个理由是要成立所谓的。比特党一个党,这个因为英文和中文有很大的差距,然后要成立一个反共的这么一个会议。那么就以这个理由叫我来给他支持财务上支持6万美元,4万到6万美元,所以。
  这是他骗取我的一个口号,而不是说他真要做的事情,这也是我们为什么起诉的。But he was using.An excuse that he wants to establish Twitter party to and then r host a.Accp conference. And using that as an excuse, ask me, for 40000 to six, 60000.He was dollars and that was one of the reason and so on him. In the answer to my.
  Which was ID will represent to you that he needed financial support.To purchase video equipment in order to hold a conference, and take the first steps to create a group whose goal was to assist the victims of the sea.The answer that question and is yes that he did make that representation to you.需要买一些设备,这个设备主要是用在这个大会,大会开完之后呢,可以组织一个一个集团,然后来保护那些被共产党破坏的这些。
  所以我问你就说他不给他要钱买设备有,但是不是仅仅为了大会,她是为了直播要钱。各位大会是组织大会属于酒店住宿啊,这是他的借口。Money for.Equipment, yes but not for the conference but for the direct broadcast from the hotel, 从酒店之后。不知道酒店直播还有支付酒店的费用,collection.
  For the rest part a Broad casting and pay for hotel expenses. And how did he make that representation to you was a verb.Or was it over Email? 我想要去纠正一下律师,你说的话我在过去所有视频。你从我第1天开始,我说我不会从任何人身上拿一分钱,我拒绝任何人的,所谓的岛内的就是捐款,我恨所有的坏人。海外华人利用捐款骗了中国反共产党人,29年什么也没做到,所以我第1个是不会有捐款,第2个我不允许任何人代表我。
  谁也不能代表我,所以我从来没有让郭宝生代表过我的所有的时候,代表我,他都是欺骗我再多视频在。公开场合说过,任何人也不能代表我,谁也不能代表我,我不参加任何组织,我不接受任何人代表,啊MR Tony.Something clear and maybe in the middle of this is that from the one when I put out the video.Videos and the internet. I always say that very clearly that I do not take any money for anybody I don’t receive I don’t want to take any don’t.
  Because I am sick and tired of in the past 29 years is over the Chinese people using the the the experience of the name.Saying that they want to help those the victims of the sea and I want to make it clear nobody can represent me. I stated.Many, many times and open open arms of situation. Nobody can I can represent me.这是我第4个起诉郭宝胜的原因,他到处到加拿大,到日本到台湾,啊这个道理。
  达州到洛杉矶到拉斯维加斯都说我代表郭文贵我美,我有多次在视频上说任何人不能代表我,我也给他充实你不?允许代表我,但是他却在这大大的代表的名义骗取那么多的钱,还那么多人的信任啊,让这些人闹的那么大。很危险,这是我起诉郭葆昌的第4个原因,他用我的名义所谓的代表欺骗了那么多人,带了人身安全。生命危险,这是第4个原因。The reason that I am so in hand posted on.
  MR guo bao, she went to many places, including Canada Japan Taiwan California Los Angeles.Stay in that is in Japan and stay in that he represent me by using representation.Of me to default so many people and heard so many people are already told and public many many times I do not allow anybody to.Present me us, 用户名字代表我,不允许代表我。
  I told him to his face I do not allow you成了他骗钱的手段,这是我要起诉他的第4个原因。As a vehicle to different people and that is the reason and swim. The representation.An ocean will meet you啊that he needed financial support to buy video equipment was that made a.For boy or by Email是用电邮的方式我为您的还是口头的方式?
  Before and the before, what’s that what you said before it was compound. Right. So.U you asked the question relating to video equipment and conference on for the ring. U no further.And so and then he said what he said and you took it to me, yes, but he didn’t actually.Agree with you, he didn’t say that he didn’t say yes what he said was that he that the ocean go ahead represented to him that he need money.
  The video equipment for some purpose that wasn’t quite. What I said is related to.Something like that there. And so let me up. So i’ll ask the question again.啊,the representation that both going to meet to you, r.With regard to need money to buy video equipment for the purpose that you to fight to. Was that made for me or was it made in writing?
  哦,他们刚才反反复复把问题弄成清,然后问清楚一下,就是郭宝胜给您要钱买视频设备。要求是口头的要求还是书面上,口头上。And when was that representation?的,六七月份8月份左右七八月份,我记不太详细了。Would you like best of 2017? I don’t remember the exact time. Was it over the foreign person?
  话还是面对面,我跟你说过我没有跟他见过面,我怎么会面对面,他是应该是电话上提起过。电话face to face of courses的。没有,我从来我很少打电话给他,他打我的,打我电话的,I never was so.Call him. He was the one who call me and said, what’s up, call on your cell phone.
  Phone number. We have what?嗯哼。Well then was was the was the representation made the what’s APP is it made for in in the telephone?靠,是用那个what sup跟你要求的还是?Add to make a phone call OK. I didn’t know that. Taxi.
  不是技术性的啊。All right, I did the show. Ocean.Represent to you that he needed $20000 to purchase Broad casting equipment for a group has got was to assist victims of the sea cp.果宝上有没有高腰跟您要2万块钱,说要买这个直播的设备,那么直播的目的呢是来。支持那些被共产党破坏的人,懂吗,他要求2万,他要求要钱啊。
  要买设备是要直播,是Itccp,没有说帮助,所谓那些共产党迫害的人没有,他是要直播时。用做所有秘密,ask for money for the equipment for the direct broadcast. He did not.I said for the purpose of helping the victims of the sea.我想去cp,the purpose is for nt cp, he did not say it is helping.
  他是QQ发的事情。That is to say, when you say you didn’t represent that, it was four, the help of victims of the sea cp.It was in stead for this ntccp, which is understand.当时他就说他买这个设备的主要的目的是来反共产党反cp,而没有说他的目的是要帮助那些被破坏的原因。是的OK. And how was that representation made? Is it made for your writing?
  口头的,do you did you give him the $20000?我不搞不清楚,搞了几次啊,没有什么分开的,但是我相信这次是给了他1万的,10000.U no back and forth several times. And when we discuss the video equipment a few minutes to go, did you give him money for video equipment?刚才不是有提到这一个视频设备吗?给他钱去买吃的。And how much did you give him.
  我大概没有机会,应该是12,1万美元以上吧。And you believe that the money that you gave to him in connection with a video equipment and the broadcast.But you just test ify to that he did not use it for the purpose that he said he was going to直播的钱您认为。他没有把你给他的钱用在他所说的这两几个目的上,对吗?这是我要起诉国宝。
  他给我要的钱是买设备,搞社交媒体反共产党。For money to establish, 他同样在加拿大那个战友那里吃过这样的。也拿了更多的钱,也说要买设备,来做这个视频啊,直播揭穿CC p,然后呢。告诉西方世界真相,他用同样的手段,他骗了别人的钱。He went to Canada using the same of them.
  Since that that he need the equipment to make the broadcast to go against the cctr to exposed to the truth.Attention to the western world,同样的理由骗取了超过17 27万以上美食。17万美元在一个人的身上,he use the same reason and different, more than 170000一个人身上。他在这个人的家里居住,喝了别人很贵的家里珍藏的酒,把人家喝的吐血。
  然后骗取人家用同样的理由说我要支持文贵爆料,我要支持为反对共产党,让中国法治的自由信仰的自由。别人拿全家的生命来做赌博来给他捐了17万美元,并答应还给他,还向别人索要几千万美元。嗯,so that particular individual MR guo. In their House drink.They are very expensive y to a point that are some you know a person was he used the.
  Excuse that he is supporting me guo wen hui to this close are we are to explore.The Chinese Communist Party and support the freedom and democracy in China goes people believe I believe.There life, 他们都上了,还有这个人同样的事,他告诉别人。全权代表我,同样的事他用当这个人发现他反对我的时候,他用同样的药。
  Represent me to do all those things. When that particularly in the learned about that he was go against me he put.But the threat to this family stay in that they were in the up in black society. He even ask the Canadian.Royal police to a rest at the family member, so he use the same method by threatening people by the story in people.Bit ting people are too to achieve his god. He used the name of supporting me and he are in.
  然后下判断我就是我们,因为这些人因为这个国内的资产几百亿,可能会失去家人会被杀掉呗。He was not able to go back to mainland China and his entire world and est were in.这是我起诉的第5个原因,为了保护这些人,people.我建议我的律师要向庭上上法官申请让这位证人出庭。So I recommend to my.
  To see this person to become a的律师建议强烈要求他。So I recommend to you you know to have this person to appear in court the witness. What do you think that.At ocean world with the money that you gave to him, 听说是买房子了。I heard that she he bought the House. Did you hear that?
  The internet for internet. Do you know what what page or what? 你知道是哪一个我们。给他提供的文件里有啊?为什么我要今天起诉他的?第6个原因,我要通过法官美国的法律法官,调查清楚国宝送到这里。干了多少钱?The law of the United States to the court of the United States I hope the judgment of Investigation.
  How much money MR guo愿意出面作证,他骗取了208万美元。208万are there people who are willing to appear in court of witness because he decided to point 08。而且这位证人愿意出庭。像在我们这个官司上,许诺她给她找刘律师,在华盛顿有一个做烤鸭店的老板,帮他聘请了你们这个。
  10, 并许诺在我这里赢得300万美元,各分50%,这个烤鸭店先给他处置这个律师的这个今天。对这个案子的诉讼律师费,那么这个情况我将因为这个人要求停上,嗯,对他发出这个配合就是。出庭另因为他担心共产党把他给杀掉,所以要求在保密安全的情况下在庭上出庭作证,郭宝胜的208万美元片子。和他这个这个证据,这个跟他们律师的费用问题。R this person who roast duck store here.
  This person is willing to to be the witness to and he was one who can.And a Chinese here are to represent him. He also said that he will get $3 million and split.Fifty 51.5 million 300万,赢得这个官司赢300万。美元她们各分50%,同时呢,这个这个when they win this case。
  They were $3 million from me, at which point there was played the 3 million.要提出他的原因,我请求庭上要求这位证人出庭,并要求这位烤鸭店的老板出庭,并要求你们作为他的律师。把最多的事情做一个解释,并且要求郭宝胜买房子的钱是从哪里来了,有多少钱208万美元是真是假的,我请求庭上。来给这些支持反对派老人一个公平,这是我的第5个提出来的原因啊。
  So the 5th reason I’m showing him is I’m hoping the court of the witness talking about the owner of the Beijing.Dark roast stores and help my a turning to explain exactly where the money comes from and it’s going how much.My name is the both sides to buy his House and where did this to point zero $8 million.Went m in order to see the justice for those who support that was.
  Recognized by cp. You just a test by that you would provide the reports that you could rely upon in conclusion.That girl had used. Money from you to buy a House didn’t say anything about reports. He said he provided he said he read it.The internet is that he provided that to two to us. And we can be back the answer I just on the internet.And then he said that he provided that Information to us. But you should say no.
  你刚才说你在网站上面知道他买了个房子,我从来没有啊。这是社交媒体上from the internet and social media. No.Social media, who are social media set that he use the money the purchase.我们是反对共产党的战友们,colleagues who against.
  向哪个总统的后代或者说像卡特总统的后代,我不知道这个律师是不是卡到总统的后代,他在告诉我们他找到了一个卡特总统的后代。他作为律师,他找到了一个歧视亚裔人华人的法官,然后来对付我们公会对付我们爆料革命。I saw photo photo with the gentleman.郭宝胜。MR guo shen was in it with this gentleman right here. And.
  Said that he returned and turning. And after that event, our case was moved from one port.To a different course. And the new course, I judge I heard, this is the person who.Down on the screen against the Chinese people. So, and he also said that this new.Turn the hide look like a certain president so I’m asking you that are a distant of the next president Carter.
  所以说。Her James eyes on our who is related to the former president他的一个头。所以。To very admire you, u.
  We should put that on the record,现在呢,我希望的事情,郭宝胜催收这个信息之后,真的这个案子就移到了这个。那个医生勒令我们是从周院吧,before they stay the right, go to the批发你。So after after你把法院移到了这个法庭这里,而且今天证明了确实。找了一个总统的后裔,这说明什么郭小郭宝上在用所谓的艾森豪威尔,什么卡特总统的后人,一个老friend在问。
  一些我们而且声明这个法官说是有一个种族歧视的亚洲人,所以这是我第6个理由,我要起诉我保证。他根本不懂尊重美国法律,不管是哪个总统的后人请来的律师事务所,也不能不以事实为根据工评审。所以他用这个办法同样的威胁我们的战友,他在帮助共产党,所以这是我起诉他的第6个理由。So after MR guo.Information in deed our case was moved from one of the state called to another. And and after what you said.
  This is proved that I did the higher the descend on Top of the president to represent him.Now that he said, it’s a threat to us because he also stated that the new judges the disappointment.Tory against the Chinese people. So based on what he said that represent, that MR bao sheng is not with them.The fall of the us laws. And therefore we need to r to bring the truth out, we need to seek justice.
  And give it a result to the congress that support us against适合您的何律师。对郭宝生的这个观点和这个推文和造成的舆论压力和对我们的反共产党的战友们的伤害,我希望你在庭上得意。Me and the other of Chinese that take a good look of the Twitter.That all because that kind of language create a great pressure to all of us and create a.
  Pressure to those who support us to go against.他讲的是白人律师,这位先生的照片,白云绿适合,其他有色人种律师有什么不同?为什么这个案子。还没有移过去,他就说出了这个法官这个所在地,我希望他return。What’s the difference between a why to turn the verse of college attorney he made such AA Twitter even before.
  For the case was moved to a different course啊。I might have been less than clear in my question I was on asking about that. So.What I was asking about is you had said that he you had heard that he had used money from you to buy a House, and I’m asking from whom did you hear that?For the names of the people who posted on social media很抱歉的问题还没有问清楚,我问你的问题就是说他用这个。给他的钱去买了一个房子,这个事你从谁那里听到的,我知道你从社交媒体上听到是从谁那听到的,这个。
  媒体上很多的回头我回。Is not in the material.OK. I don’t remember anything that was close to ask for your demands.Yeah I mean I think that the money was that it was on the internet is posted by non party. And this all.
  在网络上面跑出去的。And that constitu.Or is that the basis for your belief that he used your money to buy a House是不是根据您刚才讲的那个,你认为他用你给他的钱去买房子。不仅他买房子,郭宝胜道德恶劣,作为一个他骗取了有正义感。舍家舍命反共产党的,这些人的一个所谓民主人士的口号为我说完你再接着说,我怕你忘了好不好?
  That’s not not only he use the money to purchase the House that he is a person without any efforts. He used.In the slogan of depend on the democracy too different people, 骗取了绝大多数的反共的人。He decided the most of the people that第2个second.这本书名叫职业,the name of the book is是美国,他曾又名。
  叫做曼德的名字说这是美国修行上一本的一个著名的职场必看的书,是美国行十大。十大书籍在中国狂销,他骗取了学生,他以老师为名学者为名,骗取了学生结果。不是他的名字是假的,根本美国默这个所谓十大排行榜也不存在,美国最有名的书在德国和中国受很多年轻人受骗。曼德是他的艺术作品。So you think they are the man and an ant.
  He said that the book professional has sold for hundred million copy and.嗯,if he was on the Top 10, us most read and sell in the United States a lot of.有点boy and purchase his book he claimed himself as a teacher and scholar, so a lot of students in Germany.And China are well into his trip. 另外,他还要用牧师为你啊,到哪里去?
  民意骗中国舍身,让中国民主自由的人,所以这是我第7个搞他的原因,他不仅买了房子。Other the purchase of the House. He climbed himself, he claimed that he is a past is the past he travel to places I explain in the bible represent in god.And however he went to Japan Tokyo by using my name is visited the strip club.What I’m saying to you is that he use the name of the book to two different students. He used the name of against.
  Against the key to differ from those who are the cleaning people. And that is the second reason.And then.7星高你five minute是the.Thank you for a moment.
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