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  我该怎么说?Is there any reason other than the social media that you read that you believe that.
  Purchase the House with with money he received from you是。郭先生的把你给他的钱用来买了个房子之外,还有没有其他的因素造成,认为。例如他去日本去看这个女性脱光表演呢,这不是一个牧师的行为,到台湾见了很多官员呢,去旅行啊。台湾的很多人呢,包括日本的这个李小牧先生啊,等等啊,他都是骗吃骗喝,他也赚别人多花的钱,他所做的。
  事情跟我们爆料,革命没有任何关系,同时啊,这个这些表现我看他害财如命,他的房。房子她根本在这之前没有钱,所以他骗了那么多钱,我认为他都是买了房子,而且这些钱也没花到他所谓的知识爆料。Reasons you know he use the name of the past to went to Japan and went to he went to Taiwan with a lot of he went.Japan and met with the MR li xiao wu MR Lee and all the things that he did.
  Is nothing to do with are exposed, the Communist Party of support our revolution, nothing so he went to.Different places I collect all bunch of money. He was very poor. So for all those money.He was able to buy the House. And the reason you believe that is that only for what you read in social media is there.Any other reason that you believe that he bought a House with this process that he received, 有把这些钱用来买房。
  Please to a service of comrade for money, including the person in Canada but I mentioned Robert wang.是未遂。Sorry的过so.To buy the House. And he went to solve this money including to Canada.
  往往he used to purchase the House.啊so where did he purchase the House?是个地方啊。Now u said that they were on the witness cies the new hope.We test if I with regard to from that was committed by what are the names of the witness证人能够证明就是国宝。
  这些证人包括哪些?我现在我我由于这些人现在都被共产党追杀和无生命危险。别的人我在这里不能提供,所以说我希望我们会向庭上申请如何保护这些人的措施,安全保证以后这信息不会被公开。该不会被你们这作为郭宝生的律师和郭宝胜送给了共产党之外,我们才他们才会配合,现在我不能提供区域安全。All those people are on the watch list of the city, so their life is in danger in the Information. So I would like I will I can.
  Not tell you at this point, however, if we go to the court procedures to assure the safety and to protect their identity.Then we can we can talk about the witness otherwise I don’t want those Information to be used by your Chinese or by.我担心又像郭宝胜和你们喝完酒以后,把相片都吐出来,说是什么总统的后裔。把这些证人的推出对他们太危险了啊,just like the end of the drinking.
  That he is a journey is the scent of certain president. So I don’t want the same thing to happen for him to be this close to the Information.Right they are.The represent let me ask you this did ocean will represent to you that he needed to thousands years for travelling expenses in relation to.比如this group of gold was to assist victims of the sea cp, 2000块钱的差旅费。
  说呢,他的这个目的是用来支持那些被共产党破坏的人,just be, this is a different.At the station, but was it to assist victims or was on. So here II can only going by the station in the complaint the.In the complaint state that there is a group whose goal was to assist victims of the sea cp. This is referred to in cap Chinese support group, the Chinese support group. The game.In the complaint, the time we directly from is that will represent to point is that didn’t need to thousands of travelling expenses.
  To the Chinese support group. Since that the final term I define it in my every time I asked the question so that the question is clear.问题就是说它是讲的是不是受到共产党破坏的这些人,他说呢,这个律师回答就是说他是根据我们的起诉状里面讲到的,就是一个中国啊。这是中国人的这个主题啊,但是基本上呢,就是在那个诉状上面有提到过保险跟您要2000块钱的差旅费。Do you believe that wishing well received.
  中国政府的很大一笔钱让他来说一些对你不利的话,with regard to.We just discussed with the $2000 for travelling expenses. Did you give him that $2000?Yes. And when he represent to you that he needed for travelling expenses, how did he make that representation to you was available or was it in writing?
  他跟你是口头的还是口头的?And you have a watch the ocean will represent to you that he needed$10000.To arrange the support conference for you in Washington DC. Is that true, 要1万块钱来在华盛顿开一个就是你的。Previously? No, I haven’t I haven’t asked that question. That’s a different one is a different Asian. And it’s a different.
  It’s a different time frame. Sorry. Thank you. This is a.And was that representation also made to you? Did you give him?Thousand dollars or any money in response to that representation,他要你就给他一块,我从来没让我在。但是从事它不可能代表我没有输给他,我是被骗了。
  Or give I don’t want to be a transfer. It is probably a better work. 他。And and he also represented to you that he could provide important details on corrupt.The Chinese government officials and exchange for $10000. Is that correct, 腐败行为,然后要你给他1万块。代表他老实,他发现因为他是代表是吧,没有他这个1万块钱似的。
  And did you give him that time? Did you transfer the 10000?And did he make that representation for boy or did he make it in writing?
  啊。You have watched that.保险股哦treated the following啊states that.He was sense to prison during the students movement in 1989 for providing fund to the students. But he was.
  Actually charged with force pretend. So he was obviously lying. Did to eat that.好的,在您的这个啊指控里面有提到这个国宝,盛他的这个推文里面就是说他在1989年。有些学生64学生运动的时候呢,他提供这个钱来支持学生,那么您说啊,这个他是这个事。撒谎不正确的,他有没有做这个推广?他有没有推出这个推广,记不清楚。
  That statement r, was that is that statement for in and let me that the statement that.I just said that you will like that it is that statement false, 就是那个郭宝胜的推文。1989年知识等等,这一个推文是不正确的吗?Actually actually I already regret the question so I’m going to going to with just with drawing and I’m gonna ask them much more specific way.
  Is it is true that you stated that you were sent to prison during the students movement in 1989 for.Finding funds to students and I want to be clear when I ask him this I’m asking is it true that he started it but not asking is the true that it happened I’m asking whether or not has ever stated that.好的,他推文里面讲说在1989年学生运动的时候,你被送进监牢,我现在不只是。只说他的推文的内容是正确还是不正确,我问你就是说郭宝生有没有推这个东西,我不记得了的。
  Were you ever sense to prison in China, 有没有被送进监牢?Yes. And what was it for革命?那个山洞山洞返工,revolution.Exciting and evolution山东and how long were you in prison?
  22 months, 19啊,19岁吧。19 20啊,你啊。Do you have a watch that ocean go, treated in English在。To you. Is that correct that.
  Wishing well is treated that.Not really, but we’re going to go down the really important ones because we can skip the first 100 and so it actually very few when you get out of your conclusion.I’m actually pretty much almost finished asking issues in here. I just need I need to know what I need to answer to somebody so let me just for us.Do you is it true that girl has treated that I’m sorry, I will say we did that.
  When we will is suspected of operating with hackers to frame Chinese human rights act of STH. Friend.Human rights act, 郭宝上有这么一个推文的就是说啊,郭文慧和黑客1。起床通啊,来啊,来啊,破坏中国的人权活动分子,他的这一。的推文是不是正确?
  And I want to be clear that I was asking him whether or not it was treated not whether or not the statement was true, but whether or not wishing it we did that他。他的讲的内容是正确还是不正确的,是说他有推这样子的推文I’m trying to get foundation because I.I get into a problem when I asked about you know I’m happy to jump in and ask it this way. Have you ever been selected suspected of operating with hackers the frame Chinese human rights act.Best buy any body. Have you been never been suspected by any body of of doing that?
  黑客以及跟黑客一起和共产党的留言从来没有。Never goes were the things by的问题都是共产党在网络上的谣言,by the way。If we want to establish that the witnesses answer is not sure that.So the question asked the read by the sea sea and web.
  OK soc, cp spread spread rooms on the web that you were are suspected of operating with hers to frame Chinese human rights act of it. Is that correct?所以你说这些就是共产党在网络上散布的谣言。这个hope cp的question,帮助很大。啊,now you have suffered damage is as a result of these statements bible.
  全国is that correct?很大很大很大,是的。Great damage and can you please describe what the damage is that you suffered as a result of these statements, byebye.我把所做的这些陈述对你的伤害,他说的这些陈述对我的家人,在国内的家人带来了巨大的伤害。Cause the great heart and damage to my family members in China, 在他造谣之后每天攻击我之后。
  共产党对我的家人和我的资产和员工进行了巨大的审判,room.The things against me,my family members and my ass in China我的家人因此呢,看到他的这些事情。您这个伤心的每天吃安眠药,睡不着觉。They were able to go to sleep day have to using a sleeping法院审判加拿大刚刚死刑那个法庭同一个。
  法官在这个之后判了罚惩罚我13个必定遭了,而且在这个审判之前多次以郭。网上的视频作为证据引用来惩罚我的家人和员工,说我是骗子。Da lian and after the.After the case of the dead person that we talked about the four and find me $30 million and after.
  接下来,接下来他这个在审判当中就是在听后面维修,员工家人所说的锅盔是个。叛国分子是一个伤害我们海外民运的人士,然后伤害那个中国管党利的人是反对共产党,然后拿过宝石。视频看你看郭葆生的时光会有多快多快,给我们作为证据来引用,所以他对我的家人的安全金钱精神造成了无法弥补的。So he did you use the global video tape evidence in the court and using that to threatened my family course.
  The great danger to my family safety as well as my employees are safe t climbing that I was doing that things over.Seize and在国外做不好的事情,1.Evidence in court, 视频还是推特啊,用他的视频了。Videos and Twitter evident这是我要必须起诉郭宝胜第8个人。
  停止对我家人员工资产的更大,还有我占有的更多伤害,to.For the hurt in my family members, my employees, my comrade as well as.律师和您的律师,我们要追加对郭宝胜的经济赔偿的数额。So I’m due in.With the damage is that all the dollar and night that MR guo bao sheng shu pei. And those.
  Damage is that you just described as those are all the damage is that you have occurred as a result of the definition of MR.所以你刚才陈述的这些伤害就是因为郭宝胜啊,给您儿的这个回报您所造成的伤害是吧?And with regard to the certain that you have in China. What I said are being damaged in China.中国的资产哪些资产受到破坏?Golden spring golden spring.
  Beijing and then it. And还有。还有fountain a security,security.School, or all of these come.Please公司,and you want this company.
  啊。And the employees that you discussed the employees of these companies that you have listed.我看。And and were you find the 1313?8.7亿美元的现金,600亿人民币啊,然后呢,加上18亿股。
  股票加一起13个币就到了,黑泡。Orange cash, 870七 10就是a。然后就是然后呢,另外的$4 billion the tears。4.0 billion years, the total of the around. And was that a fine to the company’s or?
  对。Do you do you have any documents related to the actions that were taken in China?U just described法律是多少钱?你有没有文件?Have they been produced to your turn红都有,我相信你们没有要吧。
  Will you ask for it? OK the company is golden spring and an angle and found.Security. Those companies that are not on your family.What is it?对,sort of trying to fi I mean, owned by his family means.
  Not buy him how is that on by people that are not I’m not sure that OK then that’s why I’m trying to find out that is why we fight it by saying all by his family and not.发现u不?I’ll go out to you and I’m just trying to let you know that is going down a path that is.OK. Not anything wrong with the translation lets lets just go on and.
  I’m happy to buy that I’m not trying to create this impression.All right, now we have stimulate that the company that would describe your own by a phone which is.
  Turn on by the family of the department when we go, 刚才我们提到的那几个公司,他说。有基金拥有的这个资金呢,是由我跟我哥的家族拥有的OK.Yes we don’t wear that the testimony of the department is that his family of which is the part.It’s the benefit of the fund for lack of a better world for understanding that sounds and controls certain that is right.
  OK. So now let me ask this then, what is your percentage ownership of that found that owns the companies.那么他刚才讲的这个家族拥有,然后跟我们家族的成员之一,现在请问您郭文贵拥有这个基金的百分之多少?我们现在家族没有,只是一个班的份上明确we are listed as funny series.We do not destiny the sentence OK OK啊。
  And u believe that the actions that were taken against the companies were taken.Specifically because of statements that were made by washing well on his Twitter feed correct.这些公司有这样子的这一个破坏的原因,是因为郭宝胜他所做的一些推文啊,等等说出这些话。是的。And is there a reason why you believe that the government took that action in response to the sweet by the ocean world?
  那么是不是有任何其他理由让您认为,因为郭宝上的这些推广造成了中国的政府采取这样子的行动,对于您的这几家公司进行破坏。I will tell you what I what to do this actually have really just.To primary topics to go over next. In the next 1 I was pretty big and I was playing and taking a break around 12 we fight any way to break for lunch.It’s fit meter r. So I’m actually pretty hope for the weekend. We don’t have that much longer. I mean you may be an hour to.
  On the stuff. I don’t want to continue.An hour might be my good to go. Let’s go, let’s let’s go on to what you wear that one thing I was like that.Yeah, I mean for an hour to of for this power through. I mean the different doesn’t mind.Of course, you to say I just thinking about I don’t want to people have too much and at some point I do need to get fat and I don’t want to get.
  You know hungry. Lets do this one. Let’s keep rolling. Let’s see where it takes us. The interpret.Reporter the I’m not gonna want to break in you know in an hour any way, but but what’s what’s your what’s you we go.3 OK.
  啊。You have a website called www, is that your website?好的,www.wo点这个是不是你的网名?What’s its Mark this as an exhibit.
  嘿嘿。Thank you. What I did you is.
  Isa print out and I’m not is concerned right now with the English translation that the wallet. But really with just this.Screen shot, that are are there and I want to just see what if you recognized any.If these those things better and Chinese, and and if you made those things.Just to be clear the document that’s been more says on the Top three. Yes.
  Waiter and www.,yes。What is that man? It means absolutely nothing for the purposes of the exam.And I think we can stimulate that it is not part of the exhibit. In fact, the only thing I’m asking the the point about is or are the the screen shot.Can get to the god to this later, what I want to simply identify the screen shot. And if if he recognized as those at all的。是我们打印出来的,我并不在乎下面的英文翻译啊,等等,我现在请您把重点看在这一个上面的截屏啊,第1个问题。
  你认不认得这个这个截屏第2个呢?是不是?And.For these are posted. How are they post it? 他是在哪里泼上去的?在国媒体,and what is是一个社交媒体的。平台类似于推特,我是其中的重要的一个使用者啊,it’s a social media platform.
  Similar to that I am one of the user. Did you create this platform?平台是您创造的吗?我是参与者之一,我没有错,不是我创造的,我是一个。I’m just a concert and that’s all. Who is the girl in media? 这个。
  名称的使用吧。This war is related to the dis closure of Information. So it is.And strategic decision that is used to this close.This girl is Information is is does the grow in gold art media refer to any person.没点媒体,这个锅有没有具体的指某一个人爆料革命。
  Of Information for revolution. Were you at all involved in the creation of this platform?这个平台的创造你本人有没有参与?没有参与just suggest。Suggest suggest.嗯嗯嗯。
  OK that’s OK to whom did you make?Communications with regard to go media, 多媒体的投资公司。Investment company of media. Did they come to you for advice?Invitation他们主动来找你。Do you have any.
  The ship interest in the media or in the company that on school media, 媒体或者媒体。在这家公司,你本人有没有因为他的一部分或者有任何利益,are you?Anyway on. Www dot media, 媒体上。列宁是不是一个主要的一个啊,一个人物的,太像共产党了。
  我发了你就看,什么叫主要能告诉我吗?I don’t I don’t want to use the language. Ava communist government is your picture found on.你web site ww dot dot media.媒体的这个网站上面有没有您的照片?很多人的照片怎么怎么。
  There你,他就是传播照片的传播信息的,怎么就只有我照片?As made in formation some photos, not just my photo. So if you go to go media, on the very first page does it have your picture?如果到这个锅媒体第1页首页有没有您的照片,照片不是我第一没我的照片。一夜没我的照片,是她过媒体自己的照片怎么着,does not have my photos. It has.
  Many other photos OK.啊let me let me let me ask you about the.Well, you know what I am going to have to do this with me. Let’s look at this lets make this is number two.
  现在给你们说这是啥情况的第2号证。Do you recognize this document?
  Did you make this post I’m sorry, sorry behind.投资,这个文件是什么?是的,这是一部分。Its part of this来自于。郭宝胜自己推出去,我转推的是。都he have treated his driver’s license in passport and you repeat it.
  他转推了一个文件,包含这些东西我又转了。And I waited. So you got those documents from a tweet from ocean ground.来源yes。Got one, the passport and driver’s license.
  But that’s not I don’t think that’s exactly what he said I think that the money was that these things were part of a document that he waited.Right. In other words, I understand the testimony to be that he never had these documents that he got to be somebody probably I see my client to meet them.Document that had that in there it was with the secret he failed this picture with the court and then he treated e files.He found this photograph and this photograph with the court. It’s a public and then he sent out.
  的,he was the show of America OK.OK OK感觉,or some water that proceed the dinner.Also the part is part of the notice remove OK. That’s why I ask the questions and I just want to make sure that it wasn’t.Document that was followed the court by your client is given back to and discover it should be pretty clear that that’s what happened.
  OK when I gave you the document bag. That’s why I say that why that’s why I ask questions that why I said people can say hey, this is what happened I don’t have that.The question. But you ask the question. 3.To work. This is three.
  啊。What what I hand to you is a a certificate of translation. That will wait.To some of the post that we just looked at in the exhibit one I’m going to exhibit three be in the translation啊this has been.
  Is provided to your count。So let me ask have you seen this document政务的这个英文翻译版。我现在请问您的翻译版的一份证书,请问您已经提供给律师了,请问您有没有看过这一份爱?我看过。And let me let me realize what I.Just said about that, 这个是什么?Let me because I said something that was that was an accurate I was refer to the.
  Google media. These are actually translation of videos. And.Give and weeks before deliver this you into the 26 dis closure. R and an hour.They continue the moment the those that I just don’t have in front of me right now. I just didn’t have it.
  对。So you’ve seen this before. Do you have you look?To see whether or not you think this actually reflect the statement that were made in the video that are identified.您看过这份文件,你有没有把这个文件详细的读一遍,看它是不是正确的反映了这一个视频里面所说的毒是吧?And I want to talk about just a couple of a couple of aspects of this.
  If I could收费的。地区。You are offered to Beijing was a political liar, a religious life in the beast.郭宝胜是一个政治政治上的幌子,宗教的幌子已经是一个骗子。
  是不是说过?And that’s because you believe that both and go is a wire, correct?And you have also said that he has a attempt to swing of money and fried dough nations.啊is that correct? 价钱,然后呢,把这个滥用这个人来捐献。And you believe that to be true as well. And we’ve discussed.
  They are. The reason you believe that I think previously on is that because u believe that he did, did you correct.我们早上也有谈过呢,你认为他是在这欺诈,因为他也气炸,and you believe that he did that to other human rights act.This is well动作去找其他的人全都活跃着。And is the reason that you believe.That’s the case is because of the frog that you described earlier in your testimony against other human rights act of.
  欺诈的原因,是因为你刚才已经陈述了他对于其他的人权活跃者所进行的欺诈。And the the folks that you.Can’t give me your names because of the power of that it would put them in with the Chinese government者就是能不能把他们的联系。有一些文件包含着我们提供的文件呢,有一些还没有需要。Can not this close. The ones that you did the clothes can you give me their names教出来的人的名字。
  还有家旺Jack Jack.还有Sara,已经给你了provide.还有问问超温and hang hang.
  你不要去玩,你a, who who is that one? 是一个质数。革命的我,过去的员工,现在是我的partner。Former and.A person who support the ocean of共产党像相爱的人,hurt by.第1个cp Jack when is it, 也是被共产党宣害的人在加州的一个我们的战友。
  Comrade in California, who oppose the Communist Party. And he he was destroyed by.How much we need to find that, 他现在不愿意。买机票的被骗者和见证者和支付餐饮旅费的其中之一。I.
  But because he was one of the witness, I was also the person who purchase for your life take it and expenses.其实s n you yang z and.加拿大支付18万和16万美元的那个被骗者。
  About 180200 and 60000. You know how he was the.这致使郭文贵爆料,然后呢,需要开会建立媒体平台。还有旅游餐饮所谓费用啊,that he was supported.会we need the money to host the conference and for travel expenses as such a.
  And you know this because告诉你。他骗了我的钱,是通过魏朝给交给他的钱,是曹氏把他骗我的钱是交给他的现金。且现金给他的,he gave it to when.
  I will give the money to.你呀,when I was the.To him on your behalf OK.I give the money to wen tao, 文超给敢把你的郭宝胜OK how much?
  多少?2万多吧,在一起应该是1万啊,1万多1万多钱已经在一起,酒啊什么的。还有现金大概啊,我记得是1万多块钱。Us some wine and偷偷的。在哪里管理,actually.I need to ask you with regard to visit to which was the driver’s license in passport r.
  Because that word that was never said no we did. He said that.OK i’ll ask him then when he said, did is this you po sting the driver’s license and a.
  泼泼出去试过,保证自己在法院的公共文件里面就是自己,这是我转发的。He himself toilet that court I.OK that’s what I thought you said and I’m asking why you为什么?郭宝胜要转投帮助他,让大家知道法院的官司的进展。
  So you’re doing to help我不让人知道,我保证我们的案子在进展中,她推了我就推了。Helping people to understand the progress of this case since he was都在关注着事情的进展。Cheat by him of paying attention on the progress of the case. The writing that is under the driver’s license.中文字上面写的。
  登陆你喜欢飞翔。Please say again, if you like it, please share.功能,这跟我没关系。We take a break for a couple of minutes.
  So just before we know we were talking about the reason we just took one on the need for we take with.Noticed a growing concern people outside and some from a media company that the defendant has been known to give interview with.We believe that stay here for an extended period of time is a distinct threat to the safety of my client. So.With that being said, you know if you want to go through it. And if you want to take a break to call your client and ask him to ask.
  The media company to back off that would probably also be a positive thing. I’m totally with you and miko council just spoke what I was thinking which is you.The back door. Because I.我孩子。Don’t know any more than you do, but I have been given that leads me to, we believe that it wasn’t to call this company for the r.
  People, I will bring you that the suspect will the window once we will meet the people in this room. So.味道闻不来。I said once we limit the people in this room, the suspect with the window.But I am not going to discuss the plans are what I’m just saying is you know we should power through because of my client.Security team. Another earth needs to be called he needs to be.
  So.Does you guys can can do this? The record of I can’t I can’t respond to.Question is that the request legal advice from he really like to do this? Big personal.嗯know I lets lets lets move along.
  啊,are you are you stated that ur? That Beijing was a killer of the democratic.Movement at the security in las vega, 在一个秀的时候你说呢,郭宝胜是。扼杀是民主运动。When you believe that to.Be true correct. How do you think that he is?
  Killer of the democratic movement, 您为什么会认为它是一个民主运动的杀手?郭。有的对我们这些用生命和家人来反对ccp的人的欺骗欺诈和玩弄。Because he decided r also for those people.To come again,see seep and those people who pay the price of their lives,and还有他现在所有的在网。
  网络上发言的这个主体,我们这是中国前70年来第1个有我这样一个人,掀起了中国共产党最为害怕的反对。共产党的革命揭穿了他们的腐败和他们的黑暗,而他来反对我,他就是在扼杀中国的民主,而现在中国的很。很多现在冒着生命危险的反共的民主人士进行了欺诈和欺骗。And against the Communist Party is the revolution ary. So he.
  Against the sea cp and he spoke against me chose that he is a person who is any time.Democracy, a pillar of the democracy, 还有,包括现在他今天在这样的一个美国法律的一个。请周会长他完全没有任何原则,那些叫媒体来,并且这时候共产党也会降低,每天都要杀掉我。他这样做法就是在尝试着杀掉一个反共的人士和反共的运动。
  So his intention was to have the Communist Party side to kill me. And I should just also.Miko count was just downstairs. And then we have an update on that situation and the security detail.What the security detail for my client is it going to share with you their concerns? First of all and second people on the street is this.Did you go from the car and who was in car?
  啊OK. Did you did you stay that the.Defendant would have sex with an animal, 没有。R have you said have you stated that?Ocean grove has solicit prost it ute in Tokyo, 他又去找妓女。
  走进去去看裸体女人在照镜子,也叫近。但是那个是,这个是翻译的问题。I’m just asking the picture.And a.
  Why did you say that? Go went to a strip club一个就是脱衣舞郎。我的日本的一个几个战友告诉我还有李小牧,亲自告诉我郭宝胜要求去了看这些脱衣舞郎。就是也称为翻译的问题,叫不叫妓女啊,脱衣舞郎还有这些女人呢,而且是她付的钱。The comrade who supported me in Japan told me plus李小牧also told me that he went to a stop。
  我嗯Tokyo I don’t know if if the translation where those people in the strip club qualified so cold but he did.The strip club additional he was the one who pay the bill. And and who are these people who told you that.他付款请他吃晚餐的人为他支付了,去看脱衣舞郎这个女的支付费用。He was the person who paid the expenses on his behalf, when they went to the strip club.
  To see women strike the clothes, 你看。Did you ever say that I was saying?Grow with poor and would not be able to five suit or defendant.没有能力去起诉或者是付诉讼费。
  Did you stay that the reason that both and go removed his complain to federal court was so that he could have take a judge.他说过他把他的案子呢,把它移到了这个联邦法庭,所以他可以去选择。要did you make any statement about y? Angle wood have removed the case the federal court.为什么我刚才已经回答了你的那个问题了,郭宝胜说的是推出来的。
  这位先生的照片让大家猜,这是哪位总统的后人啊,或者是从卡特总统的后人说跟你们喝了酒了,说案子会一道。这个这个现在这个法庭外会对我们有利,这位法官,这个很这个,这个下面郭宝成推下面啊,大家都很多。就是跟他互相交流,说这个这个法官很歧视和种族歧视,特别是亚洲人,这对我不利,这是他说的。The one who did the photos are bringing that they had a drink with who is the descend an of president Carter.
  So he was the one who did that and that to show us that he also have the case moved to a different point, 野炊的。But the judge at this new court, the screen it against the Chinese people and people especially Chinese.This advantages to他说我姑姑叫我郭艾,我说我的iPhone的末日来了。He said this is the end date of.
  Guo my my first name is a family, 叫魔鬼过末日到了啊。These are the Evil was in date is here, 我见了你们两位了,那么长时间。Thank you. Don’t give me thank you.号。Do you do you have the United States passport? Have you ever claim that you had the United States passport?
  也没有宣称拥有美国护照。Did you ever say that you are.我正在给地主嘿客去联系合作Itccp,你不要把我的话给我断绝了,太像共产党的做派。This is a contact in the first happened GCD坏的对了,你不要把。
  说这话我断开的时候你太像共产党了吗?你们,questions of很多问题。是一段一段的来,你这根本不是事实。What is your current network?可以跟进价值是多少?负资产。
  但很多事情都讲过了,我是没有钱的,现在被共产党又拿走了,13个逼里就更没有钱了,负资产了,我家族都受牵连了,所以我找郭宝生家。On many, many of that I don’t have any money with my 30 billion as it’s in my home land with.Of the state. So I have negative aspects that one soon.47:0 33个亿是金币,1.
  百31就是40屏蔽了,塞进逼里,130左右。Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Thank you.I’m wrong and so have you represent yourself?In public is being a billion aire. 喜欢。
  Do you own any asset in the United States在美国你有没有用?有资产,你现在是在法律上,事实上是没有的。这几样的,do you receive any in come from any source.有没有从任何的地方有收入,没有,共产党把所有我的账号信用卡都封掉了。
  所有的钱都没有了,close to see is all my account and credit card,特别是在郭宝胜开始。反对我之后很多的所谓的海外跟共产党合作的一些坏人们之后,我是一分钱的收入都没有。Guo bao sheng started his cooperation with the Communist Party, and all my account for friends and I have not any left.How do you pay your expenses? 8.
  So you continue to borrow money now to pay your on going expenses.Other than.And your interest in the find that owns the companies that we discussed. Do you want any assets?The real estate in your own name, 这个这个基金啊,你是他拥有他的这个基金的部分之外。
  还有没有其他的资产在纽约我住的公寓新人纳税人781在我名下,但事实上是我代吃代你持有的。97819我在怕什么,现在我住在纽约的,事实上我是戴这个带这个基金持有。并不是我的the apartment that I stay in New York 781 sharing.Own的bye是我的名下,但不是我的。
  But is that is not mine. And 781.778. It goes by.不是it’s another.That may be the last name of the的。
  这样。And so the the the.The apartment in Manhattan is not in your name在我的名下,但不是我拥有的。But I did not on OK我走。Let’s just talk about what under my name is about the how things are done.
  Yeah, I have no idea what I mean it doesn’t matter. I mean I don’t know to make it. And so at some point and I haven’t checked the land.So I don’t know I don’t know where that axe records I have no idea what it means. I don’t know I don’t know what to make it quite frankly with girls. So.So I just have no idea. I mean I’m not trying to be I was just I was curious and I was that I just want to verify.就是问一下就是在我名下的his.
  不要is allowed to enter the.有限公司拥有,然后像你有空。1So just to qualify, so he is that the property is owned by now I will see that is owned by the holding company that it is owned by MR.
  OK, is that is the true can I have the way to say that true啊。So would it be so OK I’m not sure I’m not sure to make it because it.It suggests the owners and he owns a company that owns a company that owns a six $5 million apartment. That’s a good question.To do this is for that that that that’s a good point lets Mark this as is it for the market is for.
  Thank you thank you. 10.Let me ask you this you are where that there was AAa profile down of you buy in the New York times Sunday magazine.
  我这么问啊,你知道这个纽约时报的星期天的那个版本,有一份关于您的介绍。I said for those of us to grow up in New York that’s kind of a big deal. Any way would I want to ask you was this is.Present to you. This is the article that was written. And I all I want it to ask you about just to follow up.With what we were discussing is a part in here on the first page and in the second paragraph, which begin.
  This with I have the best House is and then it talks about some other property that you own. And I just want to ask if these statements in here.True, 刊登证明的是哪两个起这件事情,我想请问你的第一。第1页的第2段有提到就说哦,我有这个最大的房价等等。In correct that’s it’s always asking OK.
  Do you know what I want?That’s what I’m sorry. So fine.呵呵,thank you, thank you. I don’t know.
  爱你死了。So what I wanted you Mark is it five is a document I received a, yes.Today, afternoon or evening, good evening, which are the most recent of you.Actions and response is to, in order to have you seen this, 我昨天晚上才收到的文件,也就是您对于这些情况。10万件里面的这一个问答的一些反对啊,等等的这个,请问有没有看过这个?
  Do you have just not OK, just OK all right 3.Yes he is. So so let me ask you you read this and sign this to you. A test that these answers are.True and accurate to the best of knowledge, 现在是不是可以说这里面根据您个人。正确的yes. 由于时间紧急没有全部翻译,是口头上的,有时候可能会避免有有。
  错误啊,the time can straight. It was not translate it to me.的no problem OK.Er, I want to talk about the answer that you provided to in the factory number.For which begins on page six,请您翻到第6页第4个问题。
  第4个问题。And in that in factory u provide r.The names of a people who are known to you who are witnesses of the events on.Ations on the complaint in the counter claim. Are these all the people that you know that fit that description?对啊,跟这个案件有关的人的这一些证人的这些名字跟陈述,请问您对于这些证人的陈述正确。
  Accurate is win.他是I can work for you should。Is that works for you.Partner and支持者。啊。
  I wanna I want to ask you I su.Earlier about the basis for the statement that you have made about ocean world.Have you given me all the fact that you are lying on for making these statements I’m only asking about the statement that I asked you about not.
  Not any students I haven’t asked you about, 今天上午我是问你的一些啊,关于跟郭宝胜有关的的这一些程序。那么您是不是把您所知道的这个所有的事实,而根据都告诉我了似的。Yes.
  You have a should ocean go for $1 million.20 for the nation is there a reason for that amount. 这。100万有没有什么根据?我刚才我向他说过了,在他我大连的审判当中,我的员工在背后还有。
  法官审判我们的法官利用就是以郭宝盛的推特和优兔作为证据来威胁我的家人和员工,损失远远超过。100万对我的精神,对我的整个的公司,对我的损失超过100万啊,我们未来不仅对他的要求不会低于100对100个之1。During the law suit the damage he called me and my employees additional judge.And you tube and media Information as the basis tha determine that that the judge decision, the damage that he does is.
  Are exciting 1 million, 香港我们这个合作的基金资产核查这个他们也拿着个包。我上的推特和优兔作为一个其中的证据来威胁我。It is all because of you to and Twitter, 所以说对我们家和。对我本人各方面的伤害远远超过这个,我们接下来会让我们律师对他们追求的所谓不值100万。
  To my family members myself and all that involved, far far exceed $1 million in the future we will see to after the night.Let me take a break very quickly. I want to talk to my account so you guys can stay here I’m very close to be done.If not there, but I just want to want to confirm with him outside, 我讲个笑话。
  我在。Thank you, r I have.
  Handed you are the most recent version of the supple mental response to our request for production of documents, which has been worked as it.Have you seen this document before? 案件您必须要提出的这些证据的这个物证。那这些要求的一些补充版本,请问您的问题有没有看过这一份?If you could turn the page for.Just be clear for the record, OK that’s a good point, by the way. It’s very good.
  For the situation, OK well I’m going to see if I can not with standing at hand in cap perhaps get where I need to get r on page for.You have provided r啊,in response to a request for.The documents used to draft in your answers to in the tories. You have identified some you tube. A video, thanks and pursuit a an agreement.
  Count. So we agree that you wouldn’t have to produce the the video, but we would produce the link. In the first thing I want to ask is did you provide the’s legs?那么这个呢,就是说当时他问你的问题,就是说在准备对于我们的问卷给予答案的时候,你用什么东西来进行准备,那么您当时的回答。就是您有使用一些YouTube的一些连线,我想请问您就是这里所列出来的优秀的这个链接,是不是您提供。是的。And do you know what these you tube videos r? And there is what do they show?
  链接里面它展示的是什么?但是我不我不会英文。Familiar understood all the English party. And just in general, what those video show, 一般来说。企业视频展示的是什么内容?这个视频我看到这个文件应该是我们当时啊,这个应该是。吃的饭的时候,我这个真记不太清楚这个at that time we prepare的。
  I don’t remember. But I think that.还有骗术讲话都没有拿我的钱呢,这个视频。声明啊,这是我第8个。要起诉郭葆生的理由,他公开在履行多次撒谎说我从来没有接受工会给我钱。
  Public media number of times that I heard him say that.他说他我没有拿过我一分钱,但他拿钱了。这就能证明他是个骗子,我要更多的人,所以这是我第8个起诉的理由。R to change more people out of money and I want to stop him and that is the reason and soon.
  那个什么呢?Now it is true is not that you do not have any tran script.Of the u to post that you claim, or the factory.
  这些YouTube你没有把他这一个圈子,可直接把它打出来,要。We request ID documents related to you damage claim. And.
  U refer to the the YouTube link that you provided.And I have to ask you this because there is an objection lot, so I need to know if there are any other documents for sure there any other documents that.Case提供提供您在这个案件里面要求赔偿啊,能够支持你要求他们赔偿的这些。文件那么您的答案呢,就是把这个YouTube的链接放在上面,请问您还有没有其他的文件可以来支持您,对于这个案件要求对方赔偿。
  有的,我我们正在这个配置可以提供更多的文件保护。当事人和国内的家人和朋友,我们要在庭上要求这个need to make sure that we protect。But those people who were informed as well as those people在family is in China once the court granted us of such a protection。一旦被信息泄露,就会有生命危险。
  Given the response, not sure that the question is understood completely OK, i’ll ask again. And I like it.嗯,what can I say I just that that answer didn’t really was not really response to your question, although it began saving.我也是哦,我,can you for me to the the request number number 14.这答案好像可能是您对于问题没有听懂,not only that you too。
  Also the documents that we are provided in response to the to the dark.OK so this is an accurate when it says c response to when there are other documents and the documents. And.要求他以为只有优秀,但是他说里面除了鱼头还有一些问题。
  Yes OK啊other than that.Documents r. Well, you know what I’m b return.
  哦啊。Other than the documents that you have provided to your turning or there any other documents that chemistry tor show that was a public.Figure, 还有没有其他的文件可以展示或显示郭宝胜是一个公众人物。No.
  U test for that you have a negative network. Are you in possession of DR?The demon ST what your network净资产是负数,你有没有任何的文件展示您的这个净资产是负数文件。可以呀,如果你需要的话我们可以展示。
  没有其他问题吗?Thank you, thank you. Thank you.Very appreciate. Too short I think long day.
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