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尊敬的战友们好,懂英文的请千万不要看这个七哥这个学英文的盖特,想学英文的一定前来观看啲!【Why should we take down the CCP? they committed genocide in Xinjiang Why should we take down the CCP? Ruined the Buddihst Holy Land Tibet?】

Why should we take down the CCP? 我就老把这个 [d], [θ], [ð]的「发音」搞不明白,就这个就弄了有「不知道多少遍」,一唱就「老错」。Why should we take down the CCP? 「要咬舌头,我发音」还不对。
They committed genocide in Xinjiang.它「们」在新疆「犯下」人类大屠杀,种族大屠杀。Why should we take down the CCP? 
“Ruined, Ruined”,就这个词儿我在唱之前从来没学过。“R-u-i-n-e-d,Ruined”. Ruined Buddhist Holy Land Tibet , 彻底把圣城西藏给侵略了,「给」毁了。
Come with me. come with me. C-o-m-e, Come, come. Come with me. Come, come with me. Do you think that we should take them down?「战友们:」你们都不知道我唱这有多难。对我来讲「唱这些英文」简直是蛤蟆吃蛤蟆,蛤蟆吃大蛤蟆,蛤蟆母蛤蟆,那么难!
Come with me. Do you think that we should take them down? – Yes, I think that we should take them down. 7哥现在发的「连」50%的音都不对,你们千万别学「我」。我只是告诉你「们」我「学英文」有多难,兄弟姐妹们。
还「有」更夸张的这个啊:“它们撕毁了中英之间的合约。” They tore up the treaty between China and UK. 啊(抓狂)~ They tore up the treaty between China and UK. Okay?Undercover police force used it so they could assassin. 这要唱出来。
Undercover police force used it so they could assassin. 你看,Undercover police force 就是“便衣警察”的力量,它们用这个在香港大屠杀。Undercover police force used it so they could assassin. 我要唱出来呀!我连说都没说过,这有多难呐?!天呐!
They Ruined, “R-u-i-n-e-d” – They ruined Jesus, tried to replace God. 它们干掉了耶稣,还要自己当上帝,当God. They Ruined Jesus, tried to replace God. 你看[θ]「这个音」,「我」说1000遍都说不好。They may be the evil but they cannot destroy, “d-e-s-t-r-o-y”, us. 这要唱出来的啊:They Ruined Jesus, tried to replace God. They may be the evil, but they cannot destroy us. 
哎呀,更难的是下面的词儿:Interfere the economy to destroy Hong Kong. 它们影响经济来消灭香港。
Made the coronavirus, applied it as a weapon. 哦,天呐!这词儿简直「是」绕口令,对我来讲。奥~多难呐,兄弟姐妹们,你想想我这个唱歌,我念都没念过,词儿都没见过。Interfere,干预。Interfere the economy to destroy Hong Kong. Made the coronavirus, applied it as a weapon. Destroy,就这个词儿我用了1000遍「都还发不对」。
所以说我告诉兄弟姐妹们:英文这个东西啊,就是靠不要脸。7哥刚开始学的时候,你都不知道,就是到现在也是有时候跟生人一说话,人家“哈哈”就笑。他笑我的时候我是什么感觉?我说他是个无耻、无知之辈。因为他根本不懂。说中文你能说吗?也不会说,是不是?我说你国家语言是我第二你语言,有什么可笑的?咱们有些战友一听我说英文在那边偷偷笑,因为「他」自己会英文。你自己会,你去说说试试去,是不是?这是个无知的表现,永远不要笑话别人说第二种语言 — 这是个文明的标准。当然你也不能笑话自己说第二种语言。所以这第二种语言本身就是靠脸皮厚,就是靠学习,是不是啊?
Made the coronavirus, applied it as a weapon.是吧?你想想我录歌时候念都念不清楚,说都说不出清楚,让我「得」唱出来。大家听我的歌的时候,你们准备好,把耳朵洗干净,扶好椅子,别摔倒。Interfere the economy to destroy Hong Kong.你看,Interfere 「我以前」都没说过,是干扰嘛。「7哥」是催胸顿足,咋弄咧?咋办呢,兄弟姐妹们?「关于我学英文」,人家说我的勤劳是我学英语能力的万万倍。我的「英文」老师说:真的,你学英文太难了。人家没好意思说你语言能力太笨了,太笨球蛋了,人家没好意思说咱,是吧?事实就这样。他说但是你的努力是万万啊,人家都感动的不行。
Do you think that we should take down? 你看,Yes, I think we should take them down. 这是唱出来呀,难着呢。你没学过,你永远,是不是啊?They turned up the they turn off their trade between China and UK children. 听起来唱歌很容易,唱起来难呢。抓胸啊!很死我自己小时候没好好学习!我就告诉国内的孩子7叔怎么学的英文。好好学习,强大自己!
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